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Part Seven Truth Or Dare

”Okay Kats, your turn truth, dare, double dare, love, kiss or promise?” Sarah said looking at Kate with a suspicious grin. They had been playing Truth or Dare for the past half hour. The most fun they’d had was when Zac and Sarah lip sinked their way to stardom with Barbie Girl and they had dressed Tay up in one of Sarah’s skimpy little outfits. Kate smiled as she contemplated what to choose.

”Okay wait,” she said, “before I pick can I just say that why do we say all that stuff? You know no one ever picks anything else besides truth or dare, I mean what’s the point?” The others all shook their heads

”Yeah yeah what ever, just choose ‘Kats’” Zac said. Now that everyone knew her family nickname they were all using it, it was annoying.

”Alright, okay dare.” As soon as she said it she had regretted it. This was Sarah and she would make her do something really weird it was her tradition. Kate watched Sarah closely. After a few seconds a sly grin spread across her face.

”hang on a minute!” she said getting up and headed towards Kate’s bag. She pulled out a love song compilation CD. What could Kate say, she was a hopeless romantic. Sarah put it into the CD player in their room. Sarah came towards them.

”Okay Kats, stand up, Ikey stand up I want you both to come over here.” Kate and Ike looked at each other and shrugged. They went over to where Sarah was standing. Sarah took Kate’s arms and put them around Ike, Kate couldn’t help but blush slightly. Sarah put Ike’s arms around Kate’s waist.

”Okay dance!” Sarah said turning on the music and went to sit down with the others.

Well Kate was a little stunned to say the very least. She looked at Ike he shrugged his shoulders and they started to, well ‘slow dance’. Needless to say Kate was enjoying herself, of course to coos from everyone else was taking some of the enjoyment out of it. Kate shut her eyes and put her head on Isaac’s shoulder. After a few seconds the rest of the world seemed oblivious to her. In fact she had never really felt this good, this close to someone before. At one point Kate was certain that hers and Ike’s hearts were beating at the exact same time. Kate began to feel something, something stirred inside of her. But before she could figure out what it was the song finished and that was that. Kate drew back and looked into Ike’s eyes. There was a moment of realisation between the two of them.

”Hey Romeo! Forget Juliet and come back over here!” Zac called out. Ike and Kate looked at them and smiled. Ike took Kate’s hand and they headed back over. They sat back down hands still locked together while they tried to avoid the looks they were being given from the rest of the group.

”You know what?” Sarah said,

”I really don’t feel like playing any more.” At this point Kate saw that the only reason that they had played the game, which was Sarah’s idea, was so that she and Ike were to have had that dance, also what a good actress that Sarah really was.

Part Eight - Drunk and Disorderly
Story Index
