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Part Eight - Drunk and Disorderly

Kate and Isaac walked down the hotel room corridor. Kate had just joined the Hanson family for dinner. Sarah had also been invited but she had declined. Kate knew it was because she had that thing with that guy Curtis. Kate knew her sister and she didn’t really wanted to know what was going on. She thought though that they would be at the bar downstairs or out on the town somewhere so it would be safe for Kate to go into their room. Kate and Ike were walking side by side behind the rest of his family.

”I’ll walk you to your door.” Ike said to Kate. Kate smiled that night had been like a dream. The dinner had seemed perfect, the Hanson family was fantastic right from Mackie to Walker. Kate thought that they liked in fact she hoped they did, this was the kind family that she wanted to be on good terms with because they were such great people.

Kate entered their room with Ike following close behind. Kate stopped at the site of her sister, who was obviously drunk lying naked underneath just a thin see through sheet. She was even more shocked when Curtis walked out of the bathroom and bumped into her wearing nothing but a condom. If Kate thought that the look of shock was bad enough on her face it was ten times worse on Ike’s face. Here he was seeing way more than he should of Sarah and too much of Curtis. Kate looked at Ike and couldn’t help but be mad when she realised that he was staring his guts out at Sarah. She hit him on the arm. “Ike!” she said. Ike shock his head as though coming out of trance.

It was at this point that it hit both of them what Curtis had planned. Ike looked madly at Curtis.

”What the hell do you think your doing man?” Ike said to the now beetroot red Curtis.

”What does it look like man?” Curtis said and from the sound of his voice he was obviously pretty drunk too. Before anyone knew what was happening there was a fairly short lived fist fight between Ike and Curtis, unfortunately Curtis was the victor. Leaving a bruised, bloody and sweaty Ike on the floor, another blood stain to clean up. Now Kate was mad, she was more than mad she was furious who did this guy think he was. As quick as that though Kate walked up and kneed Curtis in the nads, ***AUTHORS NOTE:- at the risk of sounding like a spice girl Girl Power*** he doubled up in pain on the floor. Feeling egged on by that Kate kicked him the stomach she pushed him along the floor towards the door. Finally she got him out of the door.

”oh by the way,” she paused, “Go buy yourself a fucking penis enlarger pip squeak and stay away from us!” she yelled at him. She noticed the old couple standing the hallway, she gave them a tight smile kicked Curtis again and slammed the door.

Kate looked at the mess in their room, on one side Sarah was lying and she had thrown up and hers and Curtis’s clothes were strewn everywhere. On the other side was lying a very shocked and hurt Ike. By now though Sarah had fallen asleep in her own vomit. Kate sighed and went over to Isaac. She took him to the bathroom to clean him up. He wasn’t really talking but then again nether was Kate. She basically cleaned him up. He wasn’t too badly hurt he had a cut lip and a slightly bruised eye. She dabbed it with antiseptic when he took her hand and they just stared into each others eyes. They were interrupted by a moan from Sarah.

”We better go clean her up” Ike said Kate nodded numbly as he took her hand and they walked into the bed room. Sarah who was now sitting up in bed revealing all. Kate grabbed a clean blanket out of the cupboard and put it around Sarah. She looked at Ike who seemed to be in that mesmerised state again.

”I’ll clean her up if you can change the sheets.” Ike nodded and Kate lead Sarah towards the bathroom.

After half an hour Sarah was clean and sleeping soundly in her bed. Kate went over and sat on the couch. She was really tired but she didn’t really want to go to bed. Ike came and flopped down beside her. Kate looked at his dishevelled face and smiled.

”Oh Ike,” she sighed and rested her head on his chest. He out his arm around her and she slowly let herself drift off to sleep.

Part Nine - Wet, Wet, Wet
Story Index
