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Part Nine - Wet, Wet, Wet

Ike looked down at the sleeping body beside him. He’d never really noticed how beautiful Kate was. Last night was, well it was really weird. The way Kate had, well beat that idiot up had really impressed him. Then the way she had taken care of him and Sarah. He now knew what he felt, he felt love. He wasn’t sure if it was real love, but it seemed fairly close to it. He stroked her hair softly. She stirred and turned her face up to look at him. She smiled. At him. He looked into her eyes. He couldn’t resist, leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. She seemed a little surprised but she didn’t seem to mind. She pulled back, looked into his eyes and leant forward and kissed him. Her kiss seemed to be with more earnest than his was, and within a few minutes, they were locked in a passionate embrace. They were so caught up in each other that they didn’t notice Zac and Tay creeping up slowly behind them.

The next thing that Ike and Kate knew they were saturated with water by Zac and Tay. Kate looked up at them and started laughing uncontrollably. Ike though was a little annoyed, but when he saw Kate’s reaction he started laughing as well. Tay looked at them and grinned.

”We were gonna chuck it on ya to wake you up but….” Zac cut him off “You were awake, but there was a fire to put out anyways!” Zac grinned mischievously. Kate noticed that they were both wet themselves.

”you guys been swimming?” she asked, Tay nodded, getting over his laughing fit. He then looked at Ike seriously who also had a grin on his face.

”You better get ready it’s ten and we have a concert at twelve and then a buffet of interviews.”

”Yeah, and what happened to your face man?” Zac asked.

”You don’t wanna know.” said Ike standing up. “You guys go ahead I’ll be there in a minute.” Zac nodded and bounded into their room, Tay walked behind but turned around to give Ike a cheeky grin while Kate tried to hold in her laughter.

Ike turned to Kate and took both of her hands in his, “I have to go,” he said feeling a bit guilty

”I know, you’re a very busy person.” Kate said trying to reassure him it was okay, but he could tell she was a bit disappointed, but he could also tell she understood.

”Well, see ya.” He said turning to leave but she clung to one of his hands. He turned back towards her and went forward and kissed her gently on the lips, she put her arms around him and just held him for a bit. It didn’t seem that long but they were actually like that for fifteen minutes. When Tay poked his head through the door. Ike had to go, he didn’t want to leave Kate alone, but he knew he had to.

That afternoon at the concert, he played with more enthusiasm thinking that he would soon be able to go back to Kate. In the interviews when asked wether or not they had girlfriends for about the billionth time, he didn’t say no, he didn’t say anything because it could change if things went the same way.

Part Ten - Destiny
Story Index
