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End Bits

Ike’s Journal

Dear Journal

Right now I am on the plane headed towards Perth, can I just say that it’s about time. The plane was one hour late. Although I better not complain, I had a lot of fun waiting. Jackie turned up and we ended up talking for the majority of the time we had to wait. She is probably one of the nicest people I’ve met. We had a lot of fun talking while she tried to teach what Australian people were really like. I think she called it, ‘the truth about stereotypical madness’ she was trying to prove that Aussies weren’t all beer guzzling singlet wearers. We were still unconvinced because as soon as she said this a big bloke with a massive beer gut wearing a singlet, boardies and thongs walked by exclaiming in a loud voice about how much he could go for ‘a cold one’ at that moment. Frankly it was one of he most funniest things I’ve seen for awhile. I could barely stop myself laughing, after that she gave up.

She’s really cool I reckon, I hope we manage to keep in touch, she’s moving to New York in the summer so that might make it easier to stay in touch. Oh well, I guess that guy who talked to me before was right, her friendship is definitely worth the bother.

Tay’s Journal

Dear Journal

Well at the moe, we are at the Darlington Hotel in Perth!!!! Yay we finally got here!!! I’m beginning to think that the Australian airlines aren’t entirely organised. But that’s okay cos we got to talk to Jackie longer. She is sooooo cool. I mean she’s just so much fun to hang out with. Pity she lives in Australia, one could argue she’s moving but still, well let me just say thank god for the internet! it’s hard to believe she used to be an obsessed fan. She told us about all the stuff she’s got and it’s overwhelming to say the least, in fact it’s a bit scary. It’s nice to know that there are people out there who like you and your music enough to fork out that much cash though, it’s very flattering. Knowing my luck though by the end of the year everyone will hate us. Oh no I shouldn’t have said that, oh well stuff it, I don’t know if it really matters, as long we have the music, each other and our friends and family we should be okay. Hopefully Jacks will be in the list of friends that stick with us though.

Zac’s Journal

Dear Journal

G’day G’day!!! I guess that means I’m still in Australia and still soaking up the culture. hehe. Seriously though we are having the best time! We met this really groovy chick, good lord I’m starting to sound like Greg Brady, THAT’S NOT GOOD!!!!! Chan is really cool (that’s what I call Jackie cos her name reminds me of Jackie Chan) she’s sort of a mixture of us in a way. Like we were talking before our ONE HOUR LATE plane arrived and like, one minute she was in a really serious conversation about song writing and stuff the next thing she was all silly, dare I say....................LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!! it was actually rather spooky but it was fun not being the only weird one for a change. She’s really smart too, she uses all these big words, but not in a bad way like those irritating people who think they’re so cool cos the know what a Xenophobic means or something like that. Jackie said she only knows what that means cos she looked it up so she could make fun of that idiot politician they have here Pauline Hanson. I think I better stop writing now cos dad is giving his ‘go o bed now’ look and it’s annoying.

Jackie’s Journal

Dear Diary

You know I really think I should give you a name or something, I’m sick of writing ‘Dear Diary’ oh well that’s beside the point. Anyhoo, today was pretty good, I managed to get out of school (I know what your thinking but I was actually sick) I went to the airport to say bye to Ike, Tay and Zac. I always thought that they’d be a blast to hang out with and you know what? THEY ARE!!!!! seriously, they are some of he most funny people I’ve ever met. Especially Zacsta he’s a legend. saying that doesn’t mean that the others aren’t but Zac is just hyper but in a good way. He’s decided he wants to call me ‘Chan’ I think it has to do with Jackie Chan. Ike and Tay are legends too, they are so funny!!!! it’s like they do the funniest things to each other that you can’t help but laugh like when Tay was yacking on about how airports all look the same, Ike pretended to fall asleep I thought that was really funny, but I guess you had to be there.

In other news I’ve decided moving to New York is gonna be a good thing but as I told the guys, if I loose my accent they have to hit me really hard until I get it back again.

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