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Jackie leaned out the window and watched as her three older brothers and her twin sister were playing rugby. She had never been close with her family. Basically it was because she was the odd one out, everyone in her family, including her twin, had blonde straight hair with blue or green eyes and she had brown curly hair with large brown eyes. Her twin Natalie was like her brothers, that was to say she was tom boy. She liked all the things they did, even the really crappy grungy music they listened to. Jackie was although different. She liked happy ‘teeny bopper’ music, she hated just about all sports or didn’t understand most of them and she swore more than them, which was surprising. It’s not that she was ladylike or anything, but you know, she had her dignity. She wasn’t about to go around jumping up and down being loud mouthed in public like the rest of them did. In fact she was generally quiet, but when she got hyper, she got really, really hyper.

Jackie was also different from her parents. Her parents were really into the arts, classical music, always travelling overseas to go to museums and art exhibits. They didn’t see their parents that much, it was their nineteen year old brother Matt who looked after them, he was the only one of her brothers that she liked, that meant he didn’t spend all his time ridiculing her like the rest did, it was hard when all your brothers and sisters were against you. Her other brothers were called Paul and Murray. They were 16 and 17, which meant they were at the annoying bastard phase.

Jackie smiled to herself, she was thinking about the Hanson concert on Friday night. She was a massive fan and her parents had managed to get her and her friends front row passes to their first concert. Her mum and dad had a lot of friends, and they had a lot of friends, so it was quite easy to get the tickets, in fact they even had backstage passes and only ten or so had been given out. Needless to say she was very excited. Although some of the glamour had been taken out of it because Natalie was coming too. Natalie liked Hanson, but only for their looks and that annoyed her. Not to mention none of her friends liked Natalie either.

Despite the fact that they had backstage passes, she still thought the chance of meeting them was extremely slim. Jackie sighed and leaned her head against the window, only time would tell.

Chapter 1
Story Index
