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Chapter 10

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Zac said impatiently to Tay as he knocked again.

“It’s the right address I think.” Tay said trying to look through the fancy stain glass window beside the door. He saw a figure lurking behind it and then he heard the lock on the door click open and a not very well looking Jackie stood there in the same clothes she was wearing yesterday which she had obviously slept in.

“Hi!” Zac said brightly. She looked at them and then got a weird look on her face,

“come in.” she managed to choke out before sprinting towards the bathroom where they heard vomiting noises from for the next ten minutes.

“Hmmmm, do you think she’s happy to see us?” Zac said smiling. Eventually she did come out.

“Sorry guys, you didn’t pick the best day to visit.” She said sounding incredibly sick, yet Tay couldn’t help but notice that she was being nice to them.

“Come into my room if you want, cos that’s where I’m going.” She said slowly heading off towards what they assumed was her room. When they got in they were surprised.

It had a stereo a massive TV and a really cool computer with a scanner and colour printer. She looked at the way they were gawking,

“Don’t bother, it’s my parents attempt to try and make up for never being home.” She said lying down in her bed.

“Are you feeling okay?” Zac asked sounding serious which was rather weird.

“I’m okay, just a little bit sick that’s all.” She answered

“A little!” Tay said, that was a joke she looked as though she was at deaths door and no one was even in the house with her. They sat around in silence for awhile, Zac checking out her rather large CD collection, Ike her computer and Tay was just looking around.

“I’m sorry.” He blurted out after a bit,

“Yeah same here.” Zac said turning around, she had covered her face with a pillow and they’d got no reply.

“Yeah we’re sorry we judged you.” Ike said they still got no reaction.

“Hey!” Zac said getting up and snatching the pillow off her face. She was asleep. They smiled,

“Write her a note.” Ike said and they did just that and then they left without a word.

Chapter 11
Story Index
