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Chapter 11

Jackie woke again at about ten am Monday morning feeling a lot better. It must have been a twenty four hour bug or something like that. Her parents must have realised she was sick otherwise they would have forced her to go to school. Now she was left with a day of lazing around the house. Her throat was still a bit sore but it was nothing some Panadol couldn’t cure. She glanced over at the box that had all her Hanson stuff in. She suddenly realised she still liked and she acted just a tad bit irrationally. She kneeled down beside the box sifting through everything till she got to the Tulsa, Tokyo and The Middle Of Nowhere video. She felt like watching it. She went to the lounge and slipped the tape in the VCR and hit rewind. She sat down with the remote. About halfway through the video she had the undeniable urge to use the bathroom. She stopped the video and quickly went to use loo. She also remembered she hadn’t written in her diary or a few days. She knew it sounded corny, but it was just something she made sure she did at least every few days.

She pulled her journal out of the draw and noticed a piece of paper sitting on her cluttered desk with her name written on it. She picked up the piece of paper trying to think of who would have wrote it, when her mind drew a blank she opened it and read.

Dear Jackie Chan (sorry Zac insisted I write that)

Hi!! we hope your feeling a bit better than you were before when you read this. We came over to apologise, but like you said we picked a bad time to come over. (I’ll say you threw up as soon as you saw us) [Once again a note from Zac] Can I also just say that it’s not the kind of reception we’re used to receiving! - that one was from Ike, okay I think we’re getting off the subject here so lets get to the point!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay the point it is that we are REALLY sorry about what we did when we meet you. We had no idea that Natalie was lying. Now we realise that she was well, obviously we don’t like her as much. Anyway we hope you can forgive us and maybe one day we can meet again under better circumstances.

Oh wait before we go here is our addy and our phone number back home, but it might be easier if you emailed us! *******NOTE: I had to make these up!!!! That included the street names, the email, the phone numbers and the postcodes!!!! I’m not American I dunno how these things work over there!!!******

42 Greenleaf Ave
Hew 74853
Oklahoma 7493755


our phone number!!!!

(041) (75) 555 764

Okay well we better go, we wanna let you get some sleep and we don’t want the neighbours to think we’re stealing stuff well byie!!!!!

With Love Ike, Tay & Zac

ps, in case you wanna know we leave for Perth at about one oclock this arvo

pps, Another thing, can I just apologise for the second paragraph, it was way to serious it’s not my fault but Ikey Poos and Tayls got all weird, I just had to say that and I think i’d better go now.

Jackie smiled and put the letter in her drawer. She had remembered them coming, but quite frankly she had thought it was a dream. She looked at her clock, it was 11. She had to talk to them and took an hour to get to the airport. She quickly rang the cab company and ordered a cab to take her to the airport. She quickly went and got changed. She had to at least say goodbye.

Chapter 12
Story Index
