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Chapter 2

“Oh my god I can’t believe we’re actually gonna see Hanson live!” squealed Helen who was starting to go skitso.

“I know it’s sooooooo cool!” said Jane who was starting to go hyper as well.

“Guys, it’s just a concert.” Said the always calm one Izzy, but Jackie could tell that she was as excited as the other two. Jackie herself was equally excited but like Izzy, she kept it inside. She looked over at Nat who was staring out the window periodically turning to give them all condescending looks of disgust. She would be the same if she liked Hanson for more than just their looks.

They pulled up outside the hall where already tonnes of people were gathering around chanting, singing, shouting. Jackie had managed to catch a cold meaning her voice was hoarse so she wouldn’t be able to scream that loudly. She actually wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. After what seemed like an eternity (in actual fact it was half an hour) they were finally inside the hall. There were stands everywhere selling what little merchandise was available in Australia. Jackie looked around there were people with signs everywhere, half of them had black ink on their faces saying ‘I Love Tay!’ or ‘I Love Hanson’ there were a few with ‘I Love Ike’ and ‘I Love Zac’ which was pleasing to see. Jackie couldn’t help feeling a bit out of place though, just about everyone of the people there were younger than them. Jackie and Nat had turned fifteen in February but still, everyone here looked at the very most fourteen.

“I vote we go backstage!” said Helen standing up from her seat. They had been sitting waiting for about half an hour, there was about an hour to go before the concert started.

“Might as well.” Said Jane smiling widely.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Jackie asked. They all smiled and got up.

“Count me out guys,” Izzy said. They all looked around at her.

“Well I don’t wanna meet them cos I won’t be able to say anything.” Jackie looked at Izzy, she could tell that she was scared about meeting them and didn’t want to push her.

“Okay, Nat you coming?” Nat shrugged and stood up. They made their way quickly backstage and they found them selves in a totally different circus than the one outside.

Instead of fans there were lots of security guards, news crews and record company excecs. There were a few fans scattered about. Jackie looked around and spotted a young blonde girl over with some people, she looked like one of their sisters but she wasn’t exactly sure. They started looking around to see if they could see them. After about forty five minutes of searching they gave up and went to their seats. None of them had noticed that Nat had slipped away from the group.


“Are you here with friends?” Tay asked the gorgeous girl called Natalie who was standing before him and his brothers. Tay was very bewitched by this girl.

“Yeah, I’m here with my sister and some of her friends, you probably wouldn’t like my sister though.”

“Yeah why not?” asked Zac who also seemed to be the same way as Tay was.

“Cos, she’s the kind of person who only likes people for material qualities.” She said smiling seductively. “I mean she only likes you guys cos, well you’re hot, she hasn’t even really listened to your music at all, in fact she thinks it sucks.” Tay grimaced he hated those sorts of fans, he had to well, sort of appreciate them, but the ones who didn’t even like their music and only liked their looks, well he hated them.

“No offence or anything, but your sister doesn’t sound the kind of person we’d like to know.” Zac said with a small scowl on his face.

“Yeah, well you should she the way she treats me and the rest of our family, she’s so horrible, your lucky I got to you before she did, she would have sunk her claws into you by now for certain.”

“Well, thankfully you got here.” Tay said looking into her eyes, god she was beautiful. She smiled at him.

“well I better go now guys, see ya around.” She said starting to walk off.

“Wait, can we have your phone number?” he asked her looking at her hopefully.

“I’ll give you my address.” She pulled a card out of her pocket and grabbed a pen off a nearby table and quickly jotted it down and slipped it into the top pocket of Tay’s shirt.

“Wow,” Tay said as he watched her walk away. He didn’t notice Ike’s look of concern.

Chapter 3
Story Index
