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Chapter 3

“Hey guys where’s Nat?” Jackie asked looking around for her sister.

“Dunno, who cares.” Izzy said staring at the still empty stage.

“I care, I’m under obligation to care.” Jackie said looking at Izzy, Izzy just looked at her and went back to looking at the stage. It was no use trying to talk to Helen and Jane cos they were way too hyper to get any sense out of. Just as she was considering going and searching for her Nat came and sat down beside her. Jackie just shrugged and started to stare at the stage.

Soon enough Hanson came on stage, Jackie found herself wishing they hadn’t since the noise was so great as soon as they did. Not to mention everyone who was sitting was now standing and pushing forward. And they soon found them selves being pushed closer towards the stage where all the body guards were standing. By the end of the concert Jackie and all of her friends found themselves wedged between the stage several security guards and about ten thousand strangers. Despite all of this though the concert was actually a lot of fun. They played Thinking of You, Madeline, Where’s the Love, A Minute Without You, Man From Milwaukee and, of course, MMMBop. It was probably one of the best concerts she’d ever been to which was saying a lot since she must have been to a thousand. When it was finally over and the hype had died down ( a little) they decided to go backstage again to see what they could see with any luck Hanson hadn’t left yet. Jackie was getting all these weird looks from people around her cos she’d gone completely hypo. Helen had once told her that when she was hyper that was probably just like Zac was all the time, to which she had replied ‘Oh my god, I now have a new respect for his family, what they must put up with!’

Anyway at the moment she was singing in a very loud and boisterous voice ‘You Sexy Thing’ by T-Shirt, even though she didn’t have a clue why. What was even more scary was that she was dancing around as well. Neither of which was a good thing considering that Jackie could neither sing nor dance. About halfway through Helen and Jane joined in while Izzy and Nat the same pained, embarrassed and ‘I am not with these people’ look.

“Guys! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!” Izzy screamed at them. They stopped momentarily.

“You know what guys?” Jackie said looking at Helen and Jane,

“I don’t think they appreciate our musical talent, lets sing another song to try and prove our talent to them.”

“I know!” shouted Helen.

“Oh my god it’s a miracle!” Jane yelled out. Helen gave her a look,

“Why don’t we sing a Spice Girl song?” everyone groaned.


“Helen, get a life!” Izzy said.

“Yeah but they’re catchy....” Helen said trying to defend her insane like for the Spice Girls.

“Okay well, lets change the subject, lets sing............A MINUTE WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jackie yelled, causing several of the people backstage to stare at her. Jackie just looked them all in the eye “HI!” she said waving at them and each and everyone of them turned away feeling somewhat ashamed or somewhat scared about her sanity.

They walked down the hall singing a minute without you. About halfway through the song Jackie began to notice that it wasn’t only them who were singing three other voices had joined in, three good voices. They were barely audible but they were there.

‘Guys” she said stopping singing. They took awhile to stop but even though they did the three voices kept.

“oh my god.” Jane said quietly as all five of them slowly turned around and as they did the voices stopped and they stood their face to face with the people who penned the song they were just singing, Hanson.

“G’day.” Jackie said in a loud voice. Just then Helen fainted.

“Helen!” Izzy said catching her before she hit the ground.

“Sorry about this.” Jane said giving them her prize winner smile. While they tried to revive Helen, Jackie noticed Nat going over and talking to them, what stuck out he most however was the way that Nat pointed to her and then the way they looked at her. It was a look that she’ll never forget it was a look of disgust. Jane had noticed it as well,

“What is the bitch telling them?” Jane whispered to her. Jackie just shrugged and continued to try and wake up Helen.

Eventually though Helen did come around and well they all started talking. The guys asked if they could stay behind and Jason could drive them back to the hotel later. Jason struck Jackie as very kind person but with a tough demeanour. He seemed really cool though. They were sitting around talking for sometime but Jackie was being ignored. Whenever she said something they all sort of briefly stopped talking and looked at her, completely ignored her or made some sarcastic comment about what she’d said. She didn’t understand it, they were being perfectly civil to everyone else. No one else had really noticed they were all too caught up in the fact that they were talking to Hanson and Nat was flirting her guts out with them, it was sickening. She had to get out of the room. Just being here reminded her of home and she hated home.

The problem was that she couldn’t really leave since they were all going over to Jane’s house to sleep over (except Natalie) and it was obvious that they all wanted to stay as long as possible. Frankly she had decided that the Hanson brothers were a complete waste of space but she still wanted to know why they were blatantly ignoring her. It was though soon revealed.

“Jackie, how about you?” Tay said looking at her expectantly.

“What?” she hadn’t really been listening.

“What’s your favourite song on Middle Of Nowhere?” he said again looking at her expectantly.

“Well I like all of them....”

“Well you would say that wouldn’t you.” Tay interrupted turning back to everyone else. Jackie was now incredibly pissed of, they were being completely rude to her.

“Excuse me!” she loudly and standing up causing everyone to look at her.

She looked at the Hanson brothers disgusted, “What the hell was that supposed to mean?” she demanded Taylor.

“It means that for those who actually pay no attention to our music, that they would say that.” He said standing up looking her straight in the eye. Suddenly everything clicked, Nat had told hem that she was like her, hated their music and only lied their looks. Jackie couldn’t help but smile in fact she started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” demanded Tay giving her a deadly look.

“I just realised what moronic, naive little twits you all are.” she said still laughing. They looked at her strangely except for Jane, Helen and Izzy, they were looking at Natalie finally figuring it all out.

“You have no right to call us that, you don’t even know us.” said Zac who actually did look rather hurt. Jackie stopped laughing and looked him straight in the eye.

“You have no right to treat me as though I’m a superficial monster but that hasn’t stopped you.” She said bitterly. None of them could think of anything to say because they knew that it was true.

Jackie looked at Ike who had remained quiet throughout the whole thing, she could tell he was figuring it out he looked at Nat and then at her, she caught his eye and just nodded to confirm his thoughts. he suddenly got this ashamed look on his face.

“Well I don’t feel like staying here that much, I’m going.” she walked towards the door and then stopped and turned around and said. “I was gonna say I don’t like Yearbook because it’s too long winded and my favourite is A Minute Without You, Thinking Of You and Man From Milwaukee. also congrats on the MTV thing for last year.” she turned and walked away leaving the stunned room behind her.

Chapter 4
Story Index
