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Chapter 4

Isaac stared after Jackie who had walked off. He hated to admit it but she had every right to blow up at them the way she did. He had thought that it was a bit suss that everyone else had been nice to her and weren’t that nice to Natalie, it was apparent now that they all basically hated Natalie who he now recognised to be a liar not worth much at all. All of Jackie’s friends stood up.

“You such a bitch Natalie.” Helen said as she left the room. Izzy left without a word and Jane turned around in the door way.

“Sorry, but I think we better go, nice to meet you.” she smiled and then left. Ike snuck a look at Tay who seemed completely dumbfounded. He looked at Zac, he seemed confused but he could tell that he was sort of amused by the whole situation. Ike then looked at Natalie, she seemed unfazed by all of this.

“You should probably ignore all of that, she gets that way sometimes.” They looked at her. Ike couldn’t stand it, he’d just discovered he had an intense loathing for this chick. He stood up and walked out of the room. Soon after he was joined by Tay, Zac and Jason. Jason had witnessed it all, but he didn’t say anything about it. They got out into the parking lot in time to see Helen, Jane, Izzy and Jackie hop into a Jeep. Jackie saw them and gave them a death stare that was so intense that it chilled Ike to the bone.

On the trip back to the hotel they spoke little but they all had the same thing going through their heads. How rude they’d been. Actually Ike was also thinking about how attractive Jane was but that was beside he point. Ike thought for a minute.

“Hey Tay, you still got Nat’s phone number and address?”

“Yeah,” he said in a disgusted tone.

“I think we should ring and apologise to her.” Ike said waiting for a reaction.

“Yeah but she’s staying with friends tonight remember?” Tay said. The girls had told them about the sleep over thing.

“Oh yeah, oh well we can call tomorrow. I think we do owe her an apology.” Ike said staring out of the window. The drove along the Brisbane river on their way to their hotel. it actually looked rather pretty with the city lights reflecting off of it.


Jackie had never felt more loathing towards anyone in her entire life. Well she had, but family didn’t really count. Who were they to judge her and then treat her like crap. She didn’t really hate them it’s just she was really angry at them.

“Listen Jacks, look I’m sure they didn’t mean it.” Helen said kindly.

‘Yeah, I mean Nat can be a pretty convincing liar.” Izzy said looking at her. Jackie just looked at them unconvinced.

“I thought they’d have been nicer than that though.” Jane said, “I mean, they basically ignored you Jacks.” she continued. Jackie just looked at them.

“Can I go home?” she asked.

“yeah but why don’t you wanna come over?” Jane asked looking a little bit hurt.

“I’m not really in the mood any more.” Jackie said just staring out of the window.

“Alight.” Jane said and told her sister who was driving them to take them past Jackie’s house. Jackie remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

When she got home she ignored all the comments from her brothers and Matt’s questions as to where Nat was. She went straight to her room turned on the radio turned the sound up loud, grabbed a massive box from her cupboard and started putting away all her Hanson CDs, posters, scrapbooks and videos. It was quite a big job but by one am she was done. She then made some glue using corn flower and went to Nat’s room where she was peacefully sleeping and poured the massive bowl all over her. Feeling a bit better she then went into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 5
Story Index
