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Chapter 5

Jackie woke up to find her family looking down on her. She’d fallen a sleep in the lounge room. “What?” she asked them rubbing her eyes. They continued to look at her when she saw her parents walk through the door. Jackie quickly sat up.

“Hey mum! Hey dad!” she said faking enthusiasm.

“Hey Jackie.” they said in unison.

“So what are you guys doing here?” she asked looking at them curiously.

“Well we have an announcement to make, but firstly here are some gifts.” They handed each one of them an envelope. Jackie’s contained a three hundred dollar Sears voucher and everyone else got season passes to the met for Basket ball. “

What are these for?” Jackie said not getting as excited as the others did. Sears was an American shop, the Met was in New York, what was the deal here?

“Guys, in June we’re moving to New York.” their dad said.

“Cool!” Murray said they all looked really happy except for Jackie that is.

“What? you can’t do this.” Jackie yelled out her parents. They looked at each other and grimaced.

‘Hon, we thought you’d be excited and if we move we’ll be able to spend more time together.”

“I don’t care! I want to stay here! You can’t pretend that you have no children then decide to move them all to New York! did you ever consider that we might actually like it here! No I’m not going!” she threw the voucher down on the ground and ran to her bedroom and slammed the door with all the force she could muster. Those gifts were pay offs. Her parents were really the selfish fiends that one read about in books, they were never ever home and didn’t really care, they gave them a lot of money but that didn’t make up for much no matter what some people thought.

The phone suddenly rang Jackie glared at it for a few seconds and then picked up the phone.

“What?” she said harshly into the receiver.

“Hi,” said a surprised voice on the other end of the phone.

“Yeah, so what do you want?” she asked again.

“Well it’s Isaac Hanson.” She immediately hung up. She probably would have hung up on anyone at the moment but this was worse since she now basically hated them. She looked around her room. She decided she had to leave the house. She grabbed her walkman a back pack in which she shoved a book and her purse and she climbed out of her window and made her way quickly to the bus stop at the end of the street.


Isaac looked at the phone in his hand, Jackie had just hung up on him, he knew she was mad, but he didn’t think she was that mad.

“Ikey hurry up I wanna go ride in a kangaroo’s pouch!” Zac yelled from the door way.

“Coming!” Ike yelled putting the phone back on it’s cradle and headed towards the door where their family was waiting. They were going to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary that was on the west side of Brisbane. One of the guys at the hotel said they should go there because they let you hold Koalas and feed the Kangaroos and it was a lot of fun for tourists. So they decided they should go. Brisbane didn’t have a zoo, although it was close to the gold coast and on the way there were like four theme parks. They were going to go to Dreamworld tomorrow after their morning concert.

They all sat in the small hotel tour bus that was taking them there and looked at the scenery. Brisbane was actually quite a nice place when they started getting closer they passed about fifty Macdonald’s. Finally they got to Lone Pine and parked near the front. It looked nice enough it really stank though, apparently that was the Koala’s scent. They walked along the path towards the entrance, well they did Zac just jumped like a kangaroo. Ike smiled as he watched his family go inside he turned around and saw a bus pull up and heard the familiar squeak of it’s breaks. He grinned as he went inside, he didn’t know why he was grinning but he was all the same.

Chapter 6
Story Index
