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Chapter 6

Jackie stepped of the bus and looked at Lone Pine. She loved it here, this is where she always came when she needed cheering up. She loved Australian native animals, sure elephants and giraffes were cool, but she preferred Koalas and Wombats. She made her way quickly towards the entrance. She wondered if Alex was working there today, she hoped so. Alex was probably her only male friend, in fact he was probably the closest of all of her friends. One could argue that he was now eighteen and she was only just fifteen but they’d grown up together. He had used to live next door to them until a year ago when he had moved out. I was probably a bad thing because he was always the one she talked to when she need to get away from her family. He had offered a room in the house he shared with some friends but she had declined.

Alex had been lucky enough to land a job here, he was studying zoology at the Uni and he said he was working here to help him understand how everything works. Jackie knew just about everyone who worked here since she came here so often. She showed he lady her yearly pass and she went inside. Almost immediately one of the keepers waved to her. It was Sarah. Jackie waved over and walked over.

“Hey Sar, hows things?”

“Oh pretty good, so I was wondering do you live here now?” Sarah said giving her a look.

“Shut up! so is Alex here today?” Jackie asked.

“Yeah he’s got cafeteria duty.” Sarah said smiling Jackie knew that Sarah had a massive crush on Alex.

“Oh I have some news for you.” Sarah said trying to ignore Jackie’s looks.

“What?” Jackie asked.

“Well you know your obsession? well their here.” Jackie figured out who she was talking about and groaned and rolled her eyes.

“What don’t you like then any more?” Sarah asked looking at Jackie strangely.

“Lets just say I found out what they were really like.”

“Okay whatever, well see ya Jacks.” Sarah said.

“kay, bye!” Jackie said making her way to the cafeteria.


Alex Macintire handed the customer the chocolate double scop ice cream and sighed this was not what he imagined when he’d applied for his job here, he supposed he shouldn’t complain he knew that Jacks would kill for this job. He wondered if she was okay he hadn’t heard from her in a few days. He knew she was incredibly excited about that concert thing. By now she would have rung him to tell him all about it but she hadn’t. He’d have to call her when he finished up this arvo.

“Hey Ali!!!!!!!” he heard the familiar voice of Jacks, well it looked like he wouldn’t have to call her after all. Just by looking at her though, he could tell there was something wrong. he could tell she was putting on a happy front but he knew her too well to fall for it.

“Jacks what’s wrong?” her face fell.

“Well, I haven’t been having a very good time.” She told him the whole Hanson thing and then she dropped the bombshell.

“My parents want us too move to New York.”

“New York!” Alex said in surprise, no matter what people said Jacks was his best friend and he did not want her to go away. She nodded,

“I so don’t wanna go.” se said looking down at the floor.

“When are you supposed to be going?” he asked.

‘Next month.” she said trying to hold in her tears. Alex leaned forward and gave her a hug.

“Ahem.” came a voice from a customer. Jackie started laughing.

“I better go,” he said.

“Same I’ll come back later.” she said and walked off. Alex went to serve the customer and watched as Jackie left.

Chapter 7
Story Index
