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Chapter 7

Jackie walked quickly to where you could hold a Koala, she really felt like hugging something and if Alex was busy the Koala would be the next best thing. She was just near it when she saw the Hanson brothers waiting in line. She grimaced. She really wanted to go and hold the Koala but not if it meant that she would have to stand near the Hanson brothers. By the time she had decided that she shouldn’t be here she had been spotted by them. Ike looked as though he was going to come over and talk to her. She bit her lip and turned around quickly and headed towards the Wombats.


Tay was in shock no less. He wondered what Jackie was doing here, he could tell Ike was thinking the same thing. He really did feel bad about what he’d said. He could have kicked himself when he’d realised that Natalie was the liar and Jackie was the honest one. He’d been so mean to her that he didn’t really blame her for being mad. He really wanted to apologise to her. When he’d seen her there he didn’t really know what to do. Ike had started to go to her but she had gone away. Ike seemed somehow to blame himself, he wasn’t exactly sure why though.

“Next.” Came the voice of the woman who was holding the Koala. Tay walked up and the woman told him what to do and next thing he knew he was holding a Koala. It was a great experience, they were so soft and huggable. Some guy with a camera took a polariod and soon it was all over. He waited till Ike and Zac had had their turn and then they went to see how their photos turned out.

Chapter 8
Story Index
