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Chapter 8

Jackie slowly walked through Lone Pine it was getting near one o’clock and she was starting to get hungry but she wasn’t in the mood to eat, it took too much effort. She had basically been thinking about the move for the past hour. She wasn’t sure about it. Maybe she was just scared to leave home, all her friends were here, then she thought of the experiences she could overseas. She had always wanted to go to New York and she was going to live there. She decided she might as well give it a chance. She suddenly felt someone’s hands go over her eyes.

“Guess who?” said a male voice. Jackie didn’t have to guess, she knew, it was Grant another one of her friends who worked here. He was room mates Alex and they hung out a lot.

“Gee, I wonder, oh wait I know, it’s Michael Jackson!” Jackie said playfully Grant took his hands off of her eyes spun her around and looked her in the eyes,

“What are you trying to say?” he asked looking concerned. Jackie just raised her eyebrows and smiled. He laughed and put his arm around her shoulder.

“I wanna show you something kid.” He said leading her towards the picnic area.


“You’ll see.” He said mysteriously.

When they got to the picnic area Jackie saw all her friends there, that included Helen, Jane, Izzy, Sarah, Alex and of course Grant.

“What you guys doing here?” she asked as a smile the size of the pacific ocean spread across her face.

“We’re having a cheer up Jacks party!” Jane said coming forward giving her a hug,

“feeling better yet?” Alex asked looking at her smiling.

“I think I might be getting there!” she said giving him a hug. She couldn’t believe he’d put all of this together in an hour.

“And look what we brought!” Sarah said revealing a stereo and a pile of CDs. Jackie noticed Helen sitting beside it putting a CD in.

“Oh shit, everyone cover your ears!!!!” Jackie yelled everyone looked at her and they soon understood when Wannabe started to play. Just about everyone ran off making gagging noises. Jackie actually didn’t mind the spice girls but if she told anyone that she was likely to be shot.

Soon though all of them were bopping around to Who Do You Think You Are, as soon as that had finished though they turned it onto a reputable, non-embarrassing radio station which happened to B105. They sat around and talked for awhile. Alex got up after awhile and said he was going to the dunny, but somehow Jackie doubted that.


Ike felt a bit nervous as the tall guy who had been hanging out with Jackie, Helen, Jane and Izzy started to walk towards. Ike was trying to find his family, he’d somehow lost them and had no idea where they were.

“You Isaac Hanson?” he asked coming to stand in front of him

“yeah,” Ike said gingerly, this guys was big, like six foot three big.

“You realise that yesterday you made a massive mistake.”

“Yeah,” Ike said uncomfortably.

“Good, can I just tell you that I think you should apologise to Jacks.” He said,

“I would if she’d talk to me.” He said.

“Well, I think she normally would but she’s kinda having a bad day so I think you should go over to her house tomorrow, her family won’t be home, never is on a Sunday, so there won’t be any bloody confrontations, and trust me, her friendship is worth going out of your way for.” He said. Ike looked at this guy, he seemed nice and very smart, he was obviously dedicated to Jackie it was in a way touching to see.

“Yeah, we’ll try.” Ike answered, the guy nodded and walked away. Ike found himself looking over to where he was with everyone else, his eyes fell upon Jackie, he watched her with her friends and suddenly realised how much he wanted to be friends with her.

Chapter 9
Story Index
