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Chapter 9

Jackie walked through the front door of their house and saw her brothers watching TV. She rolled her eyes, as usual it would be up to her to cook dinner. She went to her room and dumped her stuff and she noticed a couple of boxes at the end of her, she opened them and found them to contain a scanner and a colour printer for her computer. This would have made just about any kids day, but not hers. She knew what this was, it was kickback money so she’d keep her mouth shut about moving for awhile. She sighed and picked up the scanner and took it over to her desk and tried to figure out which socket to stick it into. After half an hour everything was installed into her computer and she had scanned a couple of photos and printed them.

She went over to her bed and fell asleep. She woke up an hour later being poked by Murray. She opened her eyes and almost immediately she felt a sharp pain behind them and as she moved her stomach churned and a wave of nausea hit her.

“What?” she croaked,

“When you gonna make dinner.” He said looking at her expectantly. Jackie gave him a daggers look and grabbed the closest thing to hand which was a copy of Jane Austen’s Emma and hit him with it.

“Bitch.” He said walking out of the room. When she sat up to get the remote for her stereo she was hit hard by a bout of dizziness and had to lie straight back down again. She soon fell into an uncomfortable sleep. She was woken a few times by her parents wanting a thank you for the gifts. They didn’t really seem to notice that she was sick, which made Jackie mad but she didn’t have enough energy to yell at them. Also by Murray and Paul sneaking in trying to stuff up her computer, thankfully she had a password on her screen saver and they couldn’t get in though they tried for half an hour. Jackie was asleep for the rest of the night and was awoken by a loud knocking at the door at ten in the morning.

Chapter 10
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