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This is a story about a 14 year old girl called Kate. She comes from a large family. She’s one of five sisters, six if you include the unborn one her mother’s womb. Her sisters, in order are, Sarah (17), her, Jessica (12), Cathy (9), Lizzie (6) and Abby (3). One would notice that the amount of siblings and their ages are parrel to those of the Hansons, Kate’s favourite band. Even her mother was pregnant like theirs. Although unlike the Hanson family, Kate’s family, possessed little or no musical talent, well not really. Their parents were both doctors and they were loaded, one would have to be with such a large family. Sarah, the eldest was although stunningly beautiful and basically she was into drama. Their parents weren’t all to happy that she wanted to be an actress but there was nothing they could do. Kate herself was a star science and maths student, so naturally it was expected of her to also become a doctor, or a dentist. When really Kate just wanted to be a writer, maybe a photographer. Jessica was totally obsessed with horses, she literally eats, sleeps and breaths horses. She’s always of at the stables with their family horse. Cathy was the athletic one, she did tonnes of sports, swimming, basket ball, cricket, hockey and occasionally gymnastics. God only knew how she found time to do all of it, and she was only nine. It amazed just about everyone who found out how much she actually did. Lizzie was all rounder, she was actually incredibly smart, she was basically the top of her class, there was even talk of putting her up a grade. Abby, well she was basically into stuffed toys at the moment, but she was pretty good at counting for her age, so maybe she’d a be a good maths student eventually.

You may wonder why I am telling you all of this, it is basically just to illustrate the differences between the sisters, and at times how hard it must be for Kate. Well without much more ado here is Kate’s story, with some input of the others involved.

Part One - The Trips
Story Index
