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Destination Nowhere

this story is not true, and i shouldn't even have to say this because it's obvious this story isn't real because it's set in the future, but that's besides the point


I grabbed yet another box from the cupboards in my room. I was sorting everything out to put into storage, and having a trip down memory lane. I was going through all of the tens of thousands of boxes that I had put away around the house over the years. When I thought about all of the money I had wasted it was insane. I opened to box and I saw the faces of three blond adolescent guys staring up at me.

"oh my god!" I said to myself pulling out one of the many display folders of magazine clippings I had collected over a period of about six months until I grew out of the obsession.

"Hey Sue, do you have any fags left I’m out!" Chris said walking into the room.

"Yeah in my bag." I said nodding towards the bed. He lit up and came and sat beside me as I was flicking through the folders. Chris is my best friend, we had dated for awhile but nothing had seemed to work so we stayed friends.

"You used to like the teeny bopper freaks?" he said looking at her surprised and disgusted.

"What can I say, always have and always will be an in the closet teeny bopper." I picked up another folder flicking through it.

"My god you were obsessed." He said looking through the folders. I thought of all of the stories and letters I used to write and the hours I had spent fantasising.

"I loved them so much!" I said. For some reason I began to get a massive smile all over my face. I couldn’t stop it, they had always used to do that to me. Now that I thought about it I still really liked them, in fact I was still buying all of their albums. They didn’t have as many fans as they used too. We’d all grown up.

"Didn’t one of them get hitched?" Chris asked.

"Yeah Zac did, the youngest one, God he’d be what 23 now. God I feel old."

"Yeah, you’re right, 25, man you’re old!" Chris said sarcastically. I smiled. Ten years, man it had gone quickly. I put the folders back in the box and sealed it with tape. I may as well keep all of this stuff.


"My ass hurts." I grumbled to myself.

"Look Sue can you just shut up about you’re fucking ass okay!" Chris yelled at me. We were hopelessly lost. This was supposed to be an escape but when it all came down to it we were driving around aimlessly in middle america running low on gas.

"Chris, do you even know what state we’re in?" I asked him

"Look just shut up okay I’VE GOT EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL!" he shouted at me.

"Oh yeah bullshit." I mumbled to myself

"What did you say?" Chris said loudly


Mental note : never EVER go on a road trip with a stubborn arrogant male ever again.

I looked out of the window. We were probably in Kansas or somewhere like that. I watched all the farm land seep by. It reminded me of that movie years ago, what was it called, Twister I think it was. I looked up at the sky, as blue as the mole that was on Chris’s butt. It was true, oddly enough last year Chris had had a blue mole removed from his ass. The doctors said it was one of the strangest things that they had ever seen. The car suddenly started making clanging noises and slowly stopped. The gas gauge read empty.

"God dammit Chris!" I shouted at him.

"Why are you yelling at me this whole thing was your idea!" He was edgy because he hadn’t had a smoke for six hours, neither had I for that matter. I wasn’t really a big smoker though so it didn’t affect me. I looked at the open road in front of us and behind us. We were nowhere near any form of civilisation. The only other living things were the cows. Well at least we would have a never ending supply of milk.

Mental note : Kill Chris


"I gotta piss." I said sitting uncomfortably in the car.

"Then piss, just not in here."

"I can’t be bothered" I moaned.

"My bum is numb." Chris complained.

"Now look who’s going on about his ass!" I said at Chris. It was about one o’clock in the morning and we had been sitting in the car for six hours waiting for someone to come and help us. I had been trying to cork my piss ever since eleven. I couldn’t hold it any more. "Fucking hell." I said opening the door and getting out.

Mental note : somehow invent a new technology that can somehow put toilets in cars.

As I was standing up after pissing hastily in a small bush being scared shitless about being bitten on the ass by a snake or something. I could see car lights. Well that was always the way wasn’t it. I ran out onto the road where I started waving frantically with Chris. Thank God the driver had the courtesy to stop. It actually wasn’t a car it was a bus. The driver opened the door.

"look people, I really can’t fit you on here I have people sleeping on board, I can get help at the next town though." The driver said.

"No no no no no, it’s okay we’ll sleep in the aisles, please I’m begging you, just let us on." I begged getting down on my hands and knees. Chris just looked at me amused.

"All right, but try not to make too much noise, I don’t want to loose my job okay?" He said. We climbed on.

"Oh thank you sir I love you." I said kissing him on the cheek. We went down the aisle quietly. The bus had four petitions with doors and a door at the end of the aisle. We both lay down in the aisle and tried to get some sleep. It didn’t really work. Although I did manage to get a few hours sleep. And unfortunate for me, my little habit of sleepwalking played a part in it.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" a scream came that woke me up. I was in a bed, what? I looked to see someone sitting next to me screaming, it was girl about my age or older.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and we both just sat there screaming into each other’s faces. Soon enough five people came running into the room. I stopped screaming.

"No fucking way!?" I said loudly. Chris started laughing. I looked at the girl in the bed next to me and realise that she was Isaac Hanson’s long time girlfriend Michelle. Why in hell was I in bed with her?

Standing with Chris in the doorway were Zac and his wife Ashley, Taylor and the bus driver who was looking shocked. Isaac came and sat down next to Michelle.

"Hey Sue, I always knew you liked women, but MAN you really do like them." Chris said and then he started laughing hysterically. I saw Isaac trying to calm Michelle down and then he give me one of the worst death stares I had ever received. Not including the Prom.

Mental note : When trying to make a good impression on a celebrity try not to sleep with their girlfriend.

Everyone of the people on the bus were now looking at Chris. He just couldn’t for love of god of him stop laughing.

"GET OFF!!" Isaac yelled. Looking at us both,

"our car broke down…" I started to say .

"I don’t care just leave." He said again. I started laugh. This just seemed to enrage him further. I stood up and got Chris and we ran off the bus laughing so hard that we were crying and I felt like I was going to piss myself. We looked at the bus as it drove by and just started laughing even harder. Chris put his arm around my shoulders as we walked down the road together.


It took us about two hours of walking till we finally got the town. I’ll be damned if I knew what it was called. We found our way slowly towards the diner. I was so fucking hungry I would have eaten plastic if it didn’t give me the runs. I was actually once that hungry.

"FOOD!" I said pressing my head against the hot glass in front of steaming hot buckets of chips and potato wedges.

"ahhhh, you brought money right." Chris asked almost afraid of the answer. I stared at him.

"no, tell me you did right? Right?" he jus sort of stood there.

"Oh god!" I moaned hitting my head on the glass till the lady behind the counter asked me to stop.

Mental note : when going out with a male, always bring your own money.

We walked outside and sat down outside the diner. I saw a motel across the road and in front of it was a big white bus. I grinned and nudged Chris. We looked at each other and both started laughing.

"Man I gotta piss." I said getting up.

"You always have to fuckin’ piss."

"I know, it’s annoying for me too you know!"

I walked to where the closest public toilets were and no sooner had I sat down on the probably germ infested bowl, did two people come through the door. One male one female.

"Taylor, there’s someone in here." The female voice said loudly.

"Oh my god" I said under my breath.

"So much the better Michelle." He said back. I could not believe this, Isaac’s girlfriend was going at it in the public toilets in a old run down town with his brother, this was too good. I waited until they were in the cubicle next to me till I left. As I came back to Chris I said,

"Hey Chris you’ll never guess what I just heard in the ladies loo."


They sat outside the diner for the next two hours, they still hadn’t eaten. Eventually Chris got sick of the whole thing as did I. He got up and took my hand and we wandered over to the motel. He looked around the bus. Someone had left the doors open and no one was inside.

"Quick get in." Chris said pushing me through the door and he quickly followed me. We looked through all of the rooms and eventually we found one with a fridge. We opened it slowly and found it to be stocked to the brim full of food.

"FOOD!" I yelled. Chris nudged me to keep quiet.

"Sorry" I whispered. We ate the food until we were full and thank god there was a bottle of Coke in there. That was gone within two seconds. Eventually we ended up lying on the floor contented. That was until we heard voices. I recognised them, they were Taylor’s and Michelle’s.

"Shit" I whispered, "the fornicators, lets hide in there." I said opening a wardrobe and we climbed in. We could have planned it better because as soon as we closed the door. Taylor and Michelle came into the room.

Me and Chris were standing in the cupboard listening to the two having sex. To be honest it was making me quite horny. I looked at Chris and he had the same expression on his face. He leant forward and kissed me. There was no love or passion behind either of our kisses, just basically animal sex. Sex had always been great with Chris. Even though we weren’t dating, we still had the occasional romp in the sack. It didn’t taint our friendship at all really. Soon enough my pants were down around my knees and so were his and he was inside me. It was soon over. He took it out and I began to pull my pants up while he took off his condom. No matter where he was, he always seemed to have a condom. It was a bit suss when you think about it.

Even though we had finished very quickly, Taylor and Michelle, well they went a long time. And from what I could tell from the way Michelle was groaning that Tay was pretty good at what he was doing. We were stuck in that closet for half an hour. Eventually though they finished and they started getting dressed.

"Got time for another quick one?" Taylor’s voice said.

"Look Tay Ike will be here soon." I couldn’t believe this girl, wild sex with one brother, love with another, what a bitch. I heard Taylor stay quiet. Then he said something.

"What about the closet?" I could feel Michelle looking at it.

"Okay." Then suddenly Michelle’s back was pressed up against the closet door.

"Fucking shit." Chris whispered.

Luckily for us but not so luckily for the fornicators someone burst in on them. And from what I could tell it was Isaac.

"What the fuck!" he said.

"Ike," Tay said

"Ike honey don’t be mad." Michelle’s voice said. I scoffed, easier said then done.

"How long," Ike said.

"Honey…" Michelle tried to say.

"HOW LONG!" he shouted at her. She sighed.

"About a month." I noted that Tay was keeping quiet which was probably a good thing. There was a long silence between the two.

"Look Isaac it’s been going downhill for a long time now." She said.

"Why ………… why my brother." From his voice I could tell that he was close to tears.

"Because he does it well."

"Bitch!" I said maybe just a little to loudly. There was silence in the room and sure enough the closet doors opened. I looked at them all.

"Hi." I said and gave them a wave.

Mental note : when hiding in a closet listening into a domestic dispute, never ever let your voice go beyond two, maybe three decibels


They were on the road again. Somehow they had managed to con a ride to the next town with the group. After the little scene Tay had locked himself in his room and was now sporting a black eye. Which he deserved. Michelle had left all together and had taken a coach back to whoop whoop. Isaac was in his room. I somehow got the feeling that he was crying or moping, one or the other. Chris and I were hanging out with Zac and Ashley. They were the cutest couple I had ever been privileged enough to hang out with. They were so in love, it was so sweet. It kind of made me wish that I had someone that I could be so cute with that I would make other people feel sick and insanely jealous. Well, my time would come, eventually.

After about four hours we hit a larger town and we pulled up outside of a small but beautiful hotel. On the ride over, Zac and Chris had done one of those freaky male bonding things, and me and Ashley had talked for ages, mostly about guys but that’s besides the point. Anyway we had struck up a deal that we could travel with them to Tulsa. They were heading home after touring. We were going to sleep in Michelle’s little room on the bus. Zac had said, he didn’t care if his brothers didn’t like it, in fact Ashley had said.

"Well we like you so we don’t really care what they think, they think that they’re so mature, they don’t have a clue." I somehow got the feeling that she was so right. We were sleeping in a semi real bed tonight! I was starting to get excited. I suddenly became aware of something. I hadn’t showered for a couple of days. I ventured a smell of my arm pits. I almost ran away in fear.

"Hey Ash, I can borrow your shower in your hotel room?"


"Stank you." I said walking out into the hallway of the bus. I saw Tay leaving the bus and heading towards the small shop across the road. As I came out I accidentally ran into Ike.

"Sorry." I said to him. He looked at me as though he was really noticing me for the first time.

"It’s okay." He said and he continued to walk off the bus.

"I’m gonna stay here and sleep." Chris said to me.

"Okay," I said still not taking my gaze of Ike. Poor guy, he could do with some cheering up.


I came down the stairs of the hotel feeling refreshed and optimistic. I suddenly realised that I had no idea what state we were in, where in the hell we had left our car which had probably been looted by now and that we were sleeping in the tour bus of a band. My optimism fell. Not that I objected to being with Hanson, it didn’t mean as much to me as I thought it would when I was younger. I suddenly realised that they really are normal people with normal problems.

I walked past the hotel bar and looked in longingly. I hadn’t had a drink for over a month, god damn liver cleansing diet. I think I was only on it because my friend had been raving about it. I hated it. I went off it but lately I had been to broke to buy a drink. I had no money, but I might as well charge it to Zac and Ashley’s room and hope for the best. I walked into the bar and sat down.

"rum and coke thanks." I said to the bar tender. He glanced at me and went and got the drink. I looked at the person who was sitting at the other end of the bar and was surprised to see the depressed looking Isaac staring into what at best guess was whisky The bartender gave me my drink and I sculled it and asked for another one. I’ve been drinking since I was fifteen, I know how to take spirits.

I got up and went and sat next to Isaac.

"Come on, life does go on you know." I said nudging him with my elbow. He looked at me a bit surprised and then just said in a down and out sort of voice,

"I know. but I don’t want it to." I sighed, there was nothing worse then someone pining about the loss of a loved one through cheating.

"Oh come on, think about how many other girls there are out there that would be willing to go out with you."

"You know there aren’t as many as you’d think." He said still looking into the bottom of his glass.

"Okay how many girls you gone out with in your life."


"Three? that’s it?"

"Yeah, well whenever I like a girl they always go for Tay, Michelle was right, he’s better at it than me. I share an apartment with the guy, I know what goes on." He said sounding disappointed in himself. God what had this girl done to him.

"Forget that bitch, I’m sure you’re very good in bed." He looked up at me for the first time. He seemed to be surprised by what I had just said.

"Well how come Michelle had sex with Taylor and liked it more?"

"Why are you getting beat up over this, it’s just sex, it’s not love, its just, well sex. Can you answer me honestly though, did you actually love Michelle?" he looked back down into his drink.

"I thought I did but ……"


"but, things started dying out after awhile, our relationship was virtually non existent but we still stayed together, I guess I was expecting this sort of thing sooner or later."

"Well, if you didn’t love her and you expected it, why are you so upset?" I asked him.

"Because it was with my brother and there’s an unwritten law that says no."

"So forget about it, you’ll forgive him eventually and if you don’t it’ll probably mark the end of your band." He looked at me.

"You know what, you’re right, I’m gonna get over this." he sculled his drink down and asked for another one. Taking his lead I sculled mine down too and asked for another one.

"By the way, what’s your name?" he said to me.

"It’s Sue you dumb ass!" I said punching him playfully on the shoulder. We kept on drinking and we had a good time, and I’m afraid to say that we got totally wasted.


I slowly opened my eyes instantly regretting it as a sharp pain hit the base of the skull. I recognised the pain, I was hung over. I slowly started focusing on my surroundings. I was in a hotel room in a bed. It was then I realised that I was with somebody.

I looked down trying not to move my head and I saw Chris lying with his head on my stomach, we were both naked. I sighed a breath of relief. It was then I realised that there was someone else in the bed. I looked down and saw a hand on one of my breasts. There was a ring on it’s middle finger. Suddenly I realised who it was it was Isaac. My senses were all fully alert now. I rem7embered me and Ike in the bar, drinking, lots. Deciding to go to his bedroom because he wanted me to tell him whether or not he was good in bed. We bumped into Chris, for some reason I had asked him to join us, he did. He wasn’t even drunk. I looked down at the peaceful soul in front of me and pushed him violently off the bed.

"ow!" he said loudly as he hit the floor. Isaac stirred but didn’t wake up. I removed myself from his ‘embrace’ and knelt on the floor next to Chris.

"Bastard, how could you let me do this!" I whispered at him angrily he looked at me sheepishly and said

"It sounded like fun."

"You’re so male." I said hitting the back of his head. "We have to get out of here before he wakes up.

"Can I have a shower?" he said. I looked at him and gave him a death stare.

"Fine then." He said starting to put his clothes on quickly. He finished getting changed and left while I was still walking around the room topless looking for my bra. Suddenly Isaac started to wake up and I watched as his eyes fluttered open. I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it over myself.

Slowly he began to focus in on everything and when he saw me he realised what had happened. Thank god Chris had left.

"Oh my god." He said sitting up and then realising that he was naked. He grabbed the sheet and put in front of himself. Now were both there looking at each other uncomfortably until I finally broke the silence.

"Have you seen my bra." I said. For some reason this made him smile, in fact he started laughing.

"What?" I asked him. He put his had towards where he had been lying and pulled it out.

"I was wondering what had been digging into my side." He said through laughter. In spite of myself I started laughing too. Soon we were both on the floor curling up with laughter. Both of the things that had been covering us had disappeared. Almost simultaneously we both stopped laughing and sat up looking at each other. I looked into his eyes and he leant forward and kissed me and the always obliging me kissed him back. This kiss felt different than most of my other kisses with guys. It felt, more full, like there was something else there.

I felt his hands stroking my back as we kissed. He leaned forward and we both fell onto the floor. It would have gone further if Chris hadn’t walked through the door. He looked at us surprised. We both suddenly realised what we were doing and sat up. I had no inhibitions around Chris but for some reason I felt myself blushing. We all just stood there for awhile uncomfortably not knowing what to say. It was Isaac who spoke first.

"I think the bus leaves soon." Was all he said.


Me and Chris were sitting in the room had used to be Michelle’s room. We were bored shitless. I hadn’t talked to Isaac since we had kissed in that hotel room. I didn’t know what to say to him, first time ever I didn’t know what to say to a guy. I sat on the bed and looked across at Chris who had been watching me intently all morning. He suddenly lunged forward and kissed me. He then undid my jeans and pulled them down to my knees. He slid down my underpants and started to lick my vagina. I had always enjoyed oral sex, but I couldn’t help but wonder what had brought this on.

I felt a tingle go up my spine as he nibbled slightly. I grabbed onto the bed sheets, as the tingles soon turned into large shoots of pleasure. I tried to control my breathing, I had to keep quiet. All of a sudden Isaac walked in the door. He looked at us and more especially at me. He closed the door quickly. I pushed Chris off me. I felt so bad. I don’t know why though. I pulled up my pants and ran out the door into Isaac’s room leaving Chris alone.

I walked into Isaac’s room and he was sitting on the bed staring out the window. He had noticed my presence I could tell.

"Sorry you had to see that." I said. What was I saying? See what? What was wrong with what he saw? There wasn’t anything wrong, but I felt as though there was. He looked up at me.

"Why didn’t you tell me you were going out with him." He said flatly.

"Because I’m not."

"Didn’t look like it to me." He said looking away.

"That was just sex, you can still have sex with someone and still be friends. It’s called casual sex." I said.

"You’re not going out with him?" I shook my head.

"If I was I wouldn’t be here with you now would I." I said sitting down next to him.

He looked at me and he leant forward to kiss me, but I drew back. I didn’t want to spoil things. I lay down on the bed and put my head in his lap and looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at me.

"Sue, have you ever been in love with someone?" he asked me seriously. I thought for a moment.


"Who was and more importantly where is he and why did he let you go."

"He had never met me." He looked at me curiously. "He’s right in front of me, when I was fourteen, I honestly believed that I was in love with you Isaac Hanson." I said looking up at him smiling. He smiled back. "I was convinced that we were destined for each other and if you saw me you would fall desperately in love with me, but I grew up. Now, what about you, have you ever been in love?"

"I don’t know, I’ve often thought I was but nothing came of it. It wasn’t that sort of ‘I’ll kill myself if you ask me to’ kind of love. You know, the kind the movies" he said.

"Nothings like in the movies." I said. "Can I say something, and please don’t be offended or anything" I said looking up at him. He nodded. "Is it possible, I mean do you think that um, you stayed with Michelle and those other girls for so long afterwards it died out, because, you just wanted to be with someone, it didn’t really have anything to do with love." I paused and looked at him and then continued. "I think that, you’re so desperate for someone to cling to, you cling to the unworthy ones for much longer than you need to." I finished and looked up at him. I could tell from the look in his eyes that I was right.

"How, could, you, someone who’s only met me a day ago be able to read me like a open book?" he said after awhile looking straight into my eyes. There was something about his look, I could feel my heart starting to beat faster and my cheeks start to flush. I had a better question, how could he, someone I only met yesterday, make me feel like how I was feeling? I kept it to myself. I looked into his eyes. He smiled.

"Hey don’t forget that we’ve already had sex." I said. I felt like fucking kicking my self. I had spoilt the moment.

Mental note : Whilst in a deep and meaningful conversation about love, don’t mention sex.


We had arrived at a motel in a small town about three hours later. Chris had been talking to Taylor after I left him. Chris had told me that Taylor felt guilty about Michelle I had said that I didn’t give a damn. For some reason Chris was refusing to talk to Isaac, I think it might have had something to do with me. I was refusing to talk to Taylor because of what he had done to Isaac. We all got out of the bus Taylor and Chris went for a walk, they seemed to be best buddies. Zac was with Ashley and they were headed to their room ‘not to be disturbed’.

I had spent the past three hours with Isaac just talking. There was just something about him. I felt different around him than I had ever felt around any other guy. There had been several moments between us, but I don’t know, I had always pulled away. It was strange, I never pulled away from a guys advances, not that there were many anyway. I feel really nervous around him, like if I do something with him, I’ll spoil everything. I don’t know why I was being so hesitant.

"Can steal a bath off you and a change of clothes?" I asked Isaac.

"Sure" he said opening the door to the room. It was your average room. Double bed, TV with cable, bathroom and a small empty fridge. I went to his bathroom and started running a bath and piled in as much of the bubble bath that they had provided as humanly possible. I filled it almost to the top and when I got in the bubbles were falling off the edge. It felt so good finally having a bath again. Soon after I had settled down there was a knock on the door and Isaac’s voice came through.

"Can I come in?"

"Are you perving or do you actually want something?" I asked him.

"A bit of both."

"All right then." He opened the door and came in. I was pretty much covered and choking in bubbles so I don’t think he could see anything. He brushed his teeth and as he turned to leave I called to him.

"Ike come here." I said gesturing for him to come closer. He came sat on the edge of the tub.

"Come here." He leant closer to me. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in the bath with me.

He looked so surprised. I started laughing hard and he splashed me and we then started a splashing war. After awhile we stopped and we just sat there in the bath together.

"Sue, can I ask you some thing?" he said after awhile.


"When did you lose your virginity?" he said tilting his head to look at me.

"When I was sixteen." I said simply.

"Sixteen, shit, I didn’t lose mine till I was nineteen." He said.

"Well, I was never afraid of sex and I didn’t see what the big deal was with virginity, it’s only a small layer of skin. I was sitting watching a movie with my friend Todd, I asked what the big deal with sex is. So we tried it out, no big deal." I finished, hoping Isaac wouldn’t take it the wrong way, for some reason guys did, it was rather odd really. He just sort of sat there in silence I had say his name after awhile.


"What?" he said looking up suddenly.

"are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah I was just thinking."

"About what."

"Love." He turned around to face me, "And you." He said. He leant forward to kiss me but I moved my head and he only got my cheek. This must have been the last straw for him, I had done it several times that day.

He got out of the bath and started taking his wet clothes off.

"I don’t understand you Sue, you say you were never afraid of sex but whenever I try to get close to you, you pull away." I stayed silent, I didn’t know what to say, I was confused.

"There’s something there between us, I don’t know what it is but it’s there, why aren’t you wiling to explore it because I know you know it’s there too." He said looking at me. I stayed silent. He was right, there was something there, I felt it. I felt it so strongly it scared me to death. He walked out of the bathroom and left me there to wallow in my own silence.

I sat there in the bathtub wondering what was wrong with me. Why couldn’t let Isaac touch me, he had done it before, but I had been to drunk to remember. I felt a hot tear slide down my face. What was wrong with me. I looked down at the floor where he had left his wet clothes and then I noticed that he had also left some dry clothes for me to wear. It was then it hit me. I loved him. I didn’t know if it was real love, but then again what was real love supposed to feel like. I pulled the plug out of the bath and got out. I dried myself and put the bath robe the hotel provided on and did it up loosely on my waist. I opened the bathroom door and I saw Isaac sitting on the bed watching TV. The feeling of love hit me again but this time much stronger, it was like lightening.

I walked over to the TV and turned it off. He looked up at me. I came and sat down next to him on the bed. I stared into his eyes. He leant forward and I let him kiss me and I kissed him back. It was wonderful, it was the kind of kiss you told your grand kids about. I could feel his love and passion behind it. Our breath mixing together felt like it was our spirits blending and not just oxygen molecules. I pulled back and put my head on his shoulders and just let him hold me. I could have sworn to god that our hearts had melted together to form one with a strong and steady beat.

"Can I ask you something, and don’t get offended or anything like that." He said to me.

"Shoot." I said softly, knowing what was coming.

"Do you think that you wouldn’t let me touch you, was because you were afraid of finding love?" he said. I smiled, he was right, and he knew it.

"Can I ask a question?" I said.

"Yeah." He said.

"How can you, someone I only met a few days ago, make me feel the way I do right now, when I’m with you?" I whispered. He caressed the side of my face with the palm of his hand and he lifted my face to his and we shared another kiss. It was just as good as the one before it except it lasted longer. Soon we found ourselves collapsing on the bed together.

He kissed my neck softly sending goosebumps throughout my body. I slowly slid off his top and threw it to the ground. Soon one of his hands was on my breast while the other one was on the side of my face.

"Are you sure." He whispered. I nodded. He rolled onto my side and slowly undid the knot on my robe. He took my robe off slowly and carefully, as though I was a fragile gift from heaven. He ravished my body in kisses carefully and slowly. Soon his pants were thrown on the floor. When we had sex, it wasn’t really sex like it had always been, it was making love.


I lay in bed in Isaac’s arms.



"What is it you do?" he asked. I smiled.

"At the moment I’m doing nothing, that was the purpose of this trip, we were going nowhere just to see where we ended up."

"And when you get to your final destination?"

"I have a degree in cardiology so I guess I’ll find work somewhere."

"You’re a doctor?" he said sounding surprised.

"yeah I suppose I am." I said, I hadn’t really thought about it much. The next question surprised me.

"Are you happy where you’ve ended up?" he asked me. I turned around and looked him in the eyes. "Of course." I whispered. I kissed him slowly.

The door suddenly opened and in came Chris and Taylor. They both had a surprised look on their face when they saw me and Ike. Taylor was the one to speak first.

"Ike I need to talk to you."

"Okay, can you give us a minute." he said shooing Chris and Taylor away. They both exited the room.

"I think I better go talk to him." He said to me.

"I think you better." I said back. He got up and put on his clothes and kissed me before leaving,

"I’ll be back." He said and then left.

As soon as he had left Chris came through the door and he looked at me smiling.

"I knew it," he said.

"Knew what?"

"That you were in love with him."


"I don’t know I just knew, I suppose this means ‘we’re’ over." He said a little more seriously.

"I suppose it does." I said. There was silence between us for a moment. Then he said,

"If you’re gonna go off and marry him that’s okay, I’ve made plans to go to Tulsa and get a job there." I sat there. This was it, it was his way of saying goodbye. We had been close friends, but I knew that this was the end of it. I didn’t really mind as much as I should of. Before we had been dependant on each other, no we were becoming independent.

"Goodbye Chris." I said softly.

"Bye Sue." He said kissing me softly on the forehead and then got up and left.

I turned over on the bed after he left and turned on the radio. Five minutes later Ike walked back in the door and almost simultaneously one of my favourite songs of all time came on. It was from the nineties, it was called ‘All My Life’ by K-Ci and JoJo. I got up keeping the sheet wrapped around me.

"lock the door." I said to Isaac. he did as he was told and then he walked over to me.

"Dance with me." He said reading my mind. I smiled and put my arms around him letting my sheet drop to the floor. After the song had finished we fell back into bed.


"What are you doing when you get back home to Tulsa." I asked Isaac once again in his arms.

"Nothing, two month break. Why?"

"Because I was thinking, what if you don’t go to Tulsa, what if you and I go somewhere else, together and alone together." There was silence for awhile while he thought about it.

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I don’t know anywhere where we can be alone." I said stroking his arm.

"How about, Paris." He said after awhile. I looked up at him.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded. I turned around and kissed him.

"I love you." I whispered into his ear.

"You do?" he asked seemingly surprised. I kissed him so he knew the answer.

"Wow, I love you too, ever since that day where we kissed after, well you know."

"I know, and you know what? That was when I knew too."


Dear Taylor, Zac and Ashley,

Don’t worry about me, I’ve gone, I’m going to Paris with Sue. Don’t worry I’ll be back in time to record the new album. I’m sorry to go suddenly, but I have to follow my emotions and this feels right. And Taylor, I forgive you.

Love Isaac


Dear Chris,

I’m going away, I think you know with who. Maybe I’ll see you in the future, maybe I won’t. I just want you to know that you were always the greatest friend I’ve ever had and I will never forget you.

Love Sue

