Weird Diary-Competition Thingy
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Weird Diary-Competition Thingy


Welcome to the Official 1997 IMO Weird Diary-Competition Thingy!

This Thingy is basically a diary of my three weeks from Adelaide to Sydney to Auckland to Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata back to Buenos Aires to Rio Gallegos back to Auckland back to Sydney then to Melbourne for some stupid reason and finally back home to Adelaide. But there's a twist! On (almost) every day's entry, I'll include an evil lie! You can decide which event is the evil lie, and the first person to guess all ninteen lies will definitely not win a prize!!!

Disqualified persons:

Norman Do
Stephen Farrar
Jon Kusilek
Thomas Lam
Dan Mathews

Good luck to the rest of you!

Part 1
Days 1 to 5

Part 2
Days 6 to 8

Part 3
Days 9 to 13

Part 4
Days 14 to 17

Part 5
Days 18 to 21

You can go home now.
Or, if you want, to the Mathscamp Memories page.

E-mail ME or you'll be disqualified from this weird diary-competition thingy.