1996 International Mathematical Olympiad
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IMO 1996
Tuesday, 2nd July to Wednesday, 17th July
Mumbai, India

IMO '96 logo

Team Members
John Dethridge
Daniel Ford
Jian He
Alexandre Mah
Daniel Mathews
Brett Parker

The 1996 IMO was held from the 5th to the 17th of July, with the exams on the 10th and 11th. The homepage doesn't seem to be working very well at the moment, but I'll post the link here if it comes back up.

The 1996 Australian team consisted of John Dethridge, Daniel Ford, Jian He, Alexandre Mah, Daniel Mathews and Brett Parker. Apparently it was quite an unhealthy experience, with nearly everyone getting sick and at least one serious injury ... but they came away with two silver and three bronze medals!


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