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Cloud Strife

At age 21, Cloud Strife leads the life of a mercenary for hire. As an ex-member of Shinra's elite squad known as SOLDIER, his fighting skills are in high demand. Cloud joins the rebel group AVALANCHE for their first strike against one of Shinra's huge Mako Reactors that surround the ciy of Midgar.

Job: Mercenary (ex-member of SOLDIER)

Age: 21

Weapon: Sword

Height: 5'7"

Birthdate: August 19

Birthplace: Nibelheim

Blood Type: AB


Level 1:

Braver:Cloud performs a leaping chop that splits a single enemy into two. Unless you're facing a really strong enemy that isn't a boss, this is usually you're best Level 1 Limit Break. The attack is stronger than the Cross-Slash, so it usually kills weaker enemies.

Cross-SlashWith several powerful slashes, Cloud causes massive damage to a single opponent. If the enemy survives the attack, there is a chance that it may cause paralysis. It can't paralyze enemies who are normally immune to paralysis, like most bosses.

Level 2:

Blade Beam:Waves of energy rush from Cloud's sword and collide with a single enemy. The remaining energy then splits into smaller, weaker waves, hitting any remaining enemies. This attack works best against a large group of weaker enemies. Always target the strongest enemy in the group, because the initial wave causes about three times as much damage as the smaller secondary waves.

Climhazzard:Cloud skewers a single enemy and then leaps high into the sky to cause greater damage. This is best used against a single opponent or any really strong opponents you encounter. Eventually the Blade Beam will become ineffective, but the Climhazzard attack should be useful through-out most of the game.

Level 3:

Meteorain:While leaping into the air, Cloud unleashes a barrage of meteors upon a group of foes causing up to four seperate hits. This is actually best used against a single enemy, unless the targeted group is fairly weak. Used against one opponent, this attack can cause as much as 12,000 points of damage.

Finishing Touch:Cloud creates a large whirlwind that sucks opponents into oblivion, which causes them to immediately perish or suffer extensive damage from falling back to the ground. Most opponents will simply perish, but larger creatures like bosses will always fall back to the ground. Save this Limit Break for groups-it's completely wasted on a single enemy.

Level 4:

Omnislash:Cloud assaults his opponents with a long series of powerful sword attacks. This can be used against a single opponent or a group; either way, this is an extremely powerful attack. With the correct sword in hand, this attack can actually cause just as much, if not more, damage than the fabled "Knights of the Round" Materia.

