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Squall Leonhart

WWWWWW Job: Attends military school "The Garden"
Age: 17
Weapon: GunBlade
Height: 5'10''
Birthdate: ???
Hometown: ???

Similar to the main hero of Final Fantasy VII Cloud in more than one way Squall is cool and selfish. He is pretty unfriendly. He will get a big scar on his forehead as the story proceeds. (I believe Seifer will be responsible for it, but that's just a guess...) Apparently Squall is in love with Rinoa Heartilly, formerly know as Lenore. We can expect his fighting skills to be extremely high for he attends the "Garden", a military school and tries to join SeeD, a section of "Garden" similar to SOLDIER in FFVII. Here the students learn to use magic. Squall uses a weapon known as Gunblade, that only he can use.

Laguna Loire

WWWWWW Job: Journalist
Age: 27
Weapon: Boomerang
Height: 5'11''
Birthdate: ???

This character can be considered the opposite of Squall. Where Squall is cool unfriendly and selfish Laguna is friendly and passionate. Also, he is several years older than Squall and will probably have more mature reasoning... Before he became a journalist he was a soldier so he will have some fighting skills.

Rinoa Heartilly

WWWWWW Job: ???
Age: 17
Weapon: Ring Blade
Height: 5'04''
Birthdate: ???

She's the girl on the Final Fantasy VIII logo with Squall. She is supposed to be friendly. Formerly she was referred to as Lenore.

Zell Dintch

WWWWWW Job: ???
Age: 17
Weapon: Fists
Height: 5'06''
Birthdate: ???

We don't know much about Zell at this time. We know that he is trying to get into the "Garden" or even into "SeeD". Also he seems to be a friend of Squall as he fights on your side in the demo. And of course he looks very promising.

Seifer Almasi

WWWWWW Job: Attends military school "Garden"
Age: 18
Weapon: Broad Sword
Height: 6'01''
Birthdate: ???

Seifer attends the "Garden". He is a very experienced fighter and Squall's rival. From the demo we know that he wears a white cape. I suspect that Squall will get his scar when he is fighting Seifer... but that's just a guess. He seems to know Ma Jyo Idea.

Ma Jyo Idea

WWWWWW The first villian that as announced so far. We don't know anything about her. But she sure looks cool, doesn't she? May know Seifer...