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Side Areas



    While roaming around a forest, you may run into a strange little girl named Yuffie Kisaragi. Yuffie is a femal ninja and a materia hunter. Finding Yuffie isn't always easy. You have to walk or drive around any forest area until you encounter her. Yuffie appears just like any other enemy creature, but she has the temporary name "Mystery Ninja." She's a tough fighter, but you should be able to defeat her without any trouble. Equip yourself so you're well protected against fire. After defeating Yuffie, you'll start a long dialogue. First, don't use the Save Point. Doing so means you must take you're eyes off Yuffie and when you return to the main screen she be gone - along with some of you're Gil. Second, don't insult Yuffie's abilities. She's a ninja and very proud of her skills. Third, don;t do anything that might result in your losing sight of Yuffie. Examine Yuffie and she'll challenge you to another fight.

    Yuffie:"You spikey-headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!"

    Answer:Not Interested.

    Now she's feeling cocky, so she taunts you. Talk to her again.

    Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me, huh!?"

    Answer: ......petrified.

    She'll start to leave, but turns back to yell:

    Yuffie:"I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!"

    Answer:Wait a second!

    She seems to be getting the picture.

    Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?"

    Answer: ......Thats right.

    Yuffie: "All right! I'll go with you!"

    Answer: ......Let's hurry on.

    You've done it! From this point forward, Yuffie Kisaragi will be under your command.


    Vincent is locked away in the Shinra Mansion's basement. The door to his room is locked, but the key is easily obtained... sort of. Unlock the safe on the top floor of Shinra Mansion and fght the Boss, Lost Number. After winning the battle, you'll find the basement key in the safe. Unlock the door and talk to Vincent, who's resting in the center coffin. Tell him about Sephiroth and he'll return to sleep. Wake him again and get him to tell you his name. He'll go back to sleep again, but on your way out of Shinra Mansion, he'll stop you and join the team.


    It's possible to get back into midgar without using a parachute. Visit the Number 7 gate late in the game and you'll find a man outside who can't seem to find this key. He mentions that he might have dropped it at an excavation site. Well, there's only one excavation sight around and it's in Bone Village. Talk to the site foreman at Bone Village and tell him you're looking for a "Normal Treasure." Place your hired hands around the top area and set off the blast. They should all point to the location of the "Key to Sector 5." Now you can enter Midgar anytime you want. Why not visit the Weapon Shop in Wall Market one more time. The owner has another special item for sale, but the price is fairly steep (129,000 Gil to be exact). However, it's a one-of-a-kind item called the Sneak Glove, whick makes it easier to steal from enemies.


    The general store in Cosmo Canyon has a back room thats roped off when the team first arrives. Check back again later and the rope has been removedd. Now the team can access the hidden back room and collect an Elixir, Magic Source, and the "Full Cure" Materia.


    After acquiring the submarine or a Gold Chocobo, you can reach Lucrecia's Cave, which is located behind a waterfall in a lagoon in the Nibel area. To reach it by submarine, you must come through an underwater cave just east of the lagoon and park against the rocky ledge left of the waterfall. The Gold Chocobo can simply ride over the mountains, but you must dismount it near the ledge. Visit the cave during Disc 2 with Vincent in your party. You'll learn a lot more about Vincent's life and how he got locked in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion's basement. During Disc 3, revisit the cave with Vincent in your party to find his ultimate weapon, Death Penalty, and his Chaos Limit Break.


    Directly east of Junon is a small cave that is only accessible by using the Highwind or riding a Blue/Gold Chocobo. Inside is a sleeping man who mumbles out your statistics when you speak to him. For example, he can tell you how many times you've fought and how many times you've escaped from battle. He also hints on the concept of "Master Materia." The sleeping man gives you an item under the circumstance: You must talk to him when the last two digits of the number of battles you've fought match. For instance, speaking to him after fighting 699 times may get you a Bolt Ring. You can only do this once. However, there's one very special item you should look for - Mythril. Speak to the man when the last two digits match, and he may give you a piece of Mythril. You can then exchange this item with the weapon seller east of Gongaga Village for Aeris' Great Gospel Limit Break.


    East of Gongaga Village is a weapon seller who normally has nothing for sale. However, there are two times when you can acquire itemsor information from him. The first occurs while looking for the Keystone, which he sold to Dio, the owner of the Gold Saucer. The second time occurs after collecting a piece Mythril from the sleeping man. In exchange for the Mythril, he lets you open one of his two boxes. The large box next to the bed contains a normal item, but the small box upstairs contains Aeris' Great Gospel Limit Break. You can always rest here for free.


    Monsters: Serpent, Unknown, Unknown 2, Unknown 3

    Items: Heaven's Cloud , Escort Gaurd , Conformer , "Double Cut" Materia , Megalixir(x2), Spirit Lance , Outsider , Highwind , "Hades" Materia

    The Gelnika is in the alcove underwater and directly west of the underwater Mako Reactor. This is an optional area, but there are some great items here.

    WARNING: Be careful when approaching the Gelnika. The Emerald WEAPON is sometimes in front of the Gelnika. If the Emerald WEAPON is there, resurface and dive again - it should have moved on.

    The Gelnika is a very dangerous place, so make sure you save upon entering the ship. There are no monsters in the entrance area, but the rest of the ship is crawling with all kinds of bizarre creatures. As you first enter, take the first door on Cloud's right, which is the generator room. Most of the items in this room are on the lower floor, some of which are hidden. Don't miss the Conformer or the "Double Cut" Materia. In the hall before the cargo bay, the team may bump into Reno and Rude of the Turks, Dependind on when you do this quest. If you've already had your final battle with the Turks while stopping the Sister Ray, then Reno and Rude won't be around. Otherwise, a fight will ensue. The cargo bay has two other "must have" items. One is Cid's Highwind Limit Break and the other is the "Hades" Materia. It's a long walk to both items and Shinra's freakish beasts are out for blood. You may want o save before leaving the Gelnika. If Emerald WEAPON is sitting in front of the Gelnika when you exit, you might accidentaly initiate combat.


    At Costa del Sol there's a real estate agent selling President Shinra's vacation home for 300,000 Gil. There's not much you can do with the place except take the party and rest. There are some items in the basement, but you can grab those without purchasing the home.


    Turtle's Paradise in Wutai is having a special contest. They've placed six flyers around the planet, each with an advertisement for the resturaunt. The restaurant owner is offering a prize to anyone who can locate all six flyer. Where do you look?

    Flyer #1

    The first flyer is in the heart of the Sector 5 Slum. Look inside the house on the east side of town. You'll find the flyer tacked to the wall in the boy's room upstairs.

    Flyer #2

    This is the tough one. You MUST find this flyer on one of your two trips to Shinra HQ. If you don't, you can't win the contest. The flyer is stuck to the bulletin board at the back of the lobby's first level.

    Flyer #3

    Check out the Ghost Hotel at th Gold Sucer yo find the third flyer. It's inside the hotel's lobby next to the Item Shop's entrance.

    Flyer #4

    The fourth flyer is attached to the Tiger Lily Arms Shop in Cosmo Canyon. The shop is along the path that leads to Bugenhagen's house.

    Flyer #5

    Go to the inn in Cosmo Canyon and check out the wall next to the innkeeper's desk

    Flyer #6

    This one's easy. It's actually right next to Turtle's Paradise in Yuffie's basement. Check the banner on the wall outside the trap room.


    Any character whose hit points are reduced to 7777 after an attack gets the All Lucky 7's effect. The character goes into a mad rage and begins attacking the enemy non-stop, landing a hit for 7777 points of damage each time. To get this you must first get your character's HP over 7777. This means the All Lucky 7's effect can only happen to high-level characters or those equipped with several "HP Plus" Materia. You'll also need a lot of luck since someones attack must knock that character down to exactly 7777 HP. It can happen but it is not likely to happen when you'd like it to. Also, after any battle where a character's Hit Points are 7777, that character's HP is reduced to 1. So you can't carry the All Lucky 7's effect over to another battle.


    After Cloud finds himself, visit the basement in the Shinra Mansion again (in Niblehiem). Upon entering the library area, you'll flash to a special cinema that explains how Cloud ended up back at Midgar with Zack's sword in his hand and decided to become a mercenary.


    In the mountains deep within the arctic continent, you'll find a small house with a strange man named Chocobo Sage. He has advice on how to raise the Green, Blue, Black, and Gold Chocobos. You can also pick up an "Enemy Skill" Materia just for stopping by and speaking with his pet Chocobo. There's also stuff to buy at the Chocobo Sage's house. Here you'll find the coveted Sylkis Greens as well as several other Chocobo related items.

    Porov Nut 2000; Pram Nut 1500; Sylkis Greens 5000; Reagan Greens 3000.

    The Chocobo Sage's house can only be reached by airship or on the back of a Green Chocobo. If you have trouble finding it, it's directly west of the Corral Valley Cave's west exit.


    The Ancient Forest is just east of Cosmo Canyon. You can't reach it until you either defeat Ultimate WEAPON, or you've bred a Gold Chocobo. The earlier you can get here, the more worthwhile the items are. For instance, Cloud can obtain his Apocalypse sword here, but if he already has his Ultimate Weapon, the Ultima Weapon, he's already defeated the Ultimate WEAPON. The Ancient Forest is one huge puzzle where you must figure out how to use the frogs, insects, and other items to get through the path. You can pick up frogs and insects and move them to various locations. Placing them in the right spot initiates an interaction with something. Insects can be used to close pitcher flowers and to lure out frogs. Frogs can shut pitcher flowers, and then launch you to new areas as they bust out.


    During Disc 3, you can chase down Ultimate WEAPON. Defeating it means you get Cloud's ultimate weapon and you'll gain access to the Ancient Forest near Cosmo Canyon. Ultimate WEAPON will be hovering over the lake near Junon. Fly up to it to enter combat. Fight it as you've fought most bosses up to this point. Put up a Wall or MBarrier and keep the party healed. Then pummel the creature with your strongest spells, summons, and attacks. After taking a few thousand points of damage, Ultimate WEAPON will fly off just as it did in Mideel. Chase the beast with the Highwind and stay on it's tail until it hovers to another location. It's favorite spots seem to be Niblehiem, Midgar, Gongaga, Mideel, and Cosmo Canyon. As soon as it stops, enter combat again. You can ram it with the Highwind without taking damage. In fact, it causes the Ultimate WEAPON to find a new target more rapidly. Ultimate WEAPON can't heal itself after a battle and will eventually head for Cosmo Canyon, it's final resting place. Defeat it there and it plummets to the planet, destroying a large portion of the canyon. For defeating it you recieve the Ultima Weapon, Cloud's ultimate weapon, and you can now reach the Ancient Forest through the destroyed area.


    Check the top floor of the rightmost building in Kalm. There you'll find a man who's completely content with the world. However, once Meteor is summoned and the Weapons are attacking, the man will become discontented. At this time he will begin searching for three items: the Guide Book, Earth Harp, and Desert Rose. Bringing him any one of these items will prompt him to reward the party. The Guide Book is located in the Underwater Reactor, but it's not in a treasure chest. You'll have to morph a creature called the Ghost Ship to pick up the item. It can usually be found in the tunnels along the ocean floor. Take the item back to the traveler and he'll give you the "Underwater" Materia. This item eliminates the 20 minute timer in the fight against the Emerald WEAPON. The Earth Harp and the Desert Rose are prizes for defeating the two new weapons. You'll recieve the Earth Harp if you can defeat the Emerald WEAPON. If you best the Ruby WEAPON you'll recieve the Desert Rose. Take the items back to the traveler and he'll give you the Master Summon, Master Magic, and Master Command Materia. In exchange for the Desert Rose, the traveler will give you a Gold Chocobo.


    If you master all of the Materia in a single group, revisit Bugenhagen's planetarium and examine the Huge Materia that matches the category you've mastered. Doing so will get you the Master Materia for that group. Master Materia basically equip you with all-or almost all-of the spells, summons, commands, or effects from that group. For instance, the Master Summon Materia equips you with every summon spell and enables you to use each of them an unlimited number of times, providing that you have the MP to do so.


    There's a small fire cave carved into the side of Da-chao at Wutai. The fires inside block anyone from reaching the end of the cave, but they can be put out with the right item. During the raid on Shinra's Underwater Reactor, Cloud can pick up the "Leviathan Scales" from a treasure chest on the dock. The scales hold Leviathan's power of water and will put out any flame they come in contact with. Use "Leviathan Scales" on each of the fires in the Da-chao cave to find the Oritsuru Weapon for Yuffie and the "Steal as Well" Materia.

