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Essiac Tea Preparation

The ingredients:

Four herbs are needed to prepare the tea.

  • Burdock Root (Arctum Lappa)

  • Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)

  • Turkey Rhubarb Root (Rheum palmatum)

  • Slippery Elm Bark ( Ulmus fulva)

The making of a gallon

Water: use either fresh spring water or sodiuma fee distilled water.  The bottles from the grocery store (spring water) will do also.

Amber  bottles: The sealable kind

Stainless steel cookware:  need 2 pots.

Ingredient measured:
.085 oz Burdock Root

.57oz Sheep Sorrel powder

.04oz Turkey Rhubarb Root powder

.14oz Slippery Elm Bark powder

Total of 1.6 oz.

Use sterilized bottles and tops every time you make essiac tea.


Bring the water to a boil. Drop in the essiac herbal mixture, stir, cover and boil
hard for about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the stand covered for another 6 hours. Turn on the heat once more and bring it just to a boil.

Strain the tea into another stainless steel pan. (stainless steel is the best pot to use)

Wash the first pan thoroughly. Strain the tea once again back into the original pan. Pour into the sterilized amber coloured bottles right away and seal.

Cool and store the bottles upright in the fridge or a cool dark place. Keep the bottles refrigerated once opened.

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