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(From a pamphlet from Flower Essence Services)

Frequently Asked Questions About Flower Essences

What are Flower Essences?

Flower essences are liquid, potentized plant preparations which convey a distinct imprint, or etheric pattern of a specific flower. These completely natural products, free of toxic pollution, are imbued with the living forces of Nature.  The essences enjoy a reputation of being highly effective and very safe to use. They are not part of conventional biochemical medicine, for they contain only minute traces of physical substance. Flower essences belong to a pioneering new field of potentized remedies which derive their beneficial powers from the inherent life forces within substances. These remarkable remedies expand our understanding of health care, recognizing a relationship between body and soul, and the interweaving of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of wellness. They address the subtle but very important realm of the human psyche, where thoughts and feelings emanate. Just as food nourishes the human body, so can the flowers nourish the human soul, enhancing emotional and psychological well-being.

How Are the FES Flower Essences Made?

The FES flower essences are liquid extracts of flowers, made in "Nature's laboratory," through the careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, as well as environmental and astronomical indications. The flowers are hand-collected in the peak of blossom in carefully selected wild habitats or organic gardens, then placed in a bowl of pure local water. In the open, undisturbed air, they are infused with the gentle fire of the morning sun. The fifth quintessential element requires the attunement and sensitivity of the preparer to the plant, the environment, and the spiritual forces at work. After the plant's archetypal pattern of energy has been infused into the water, the liquid is hand- potentized and prepared as a mother essence. The stock bottle is further hand-potentized, with brandy added as a natural preservative.  FES Quintessentials are sold in the stock level of dilution.

How Are the FES Essences Used?

There are many equally successful ways to take flower essences. They can be taken directly from the stock bottle, a few drops at a time, or three to four drops of stock can be stirred into a small amount of water, and then sipped throughout the day. A typical way of using the flower essences is to prepare a one-ounce dosage bottle, which can be used for a longer period of time. Fill a one-ounce dropper bottle three-quarters full of spring water, adding at least two drops of stock of whichever essences are selected for a personalized formula. Add enough brandy to fill the bottle, to act as a preservative. Apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin may be used as alternative preservatives, in quantities of one-third to one-half of the bottle. Standard dosage for flower essences is four drops under the tongue four times per day. Potency is increased not by taking more drops at one time, but by increasing the frequency, as in emergency or acute situations. On the other hand, children or other highly sensitive persons may need to decrease the frequency of use to once or twice daily.

Flower essences can also be applied topically for direct absorption through the skin. Essences can be added to bath-water, or t cremes, lotions, and oils. The FES Herbal Flower Oils, which are already potentized with flower essences, are often used as carrier oils for massage and other topical applications.

How Are Appropriate Flower Essences Selected?

Although the choice of essences may seem overwhelming, selecting several key essences can itself be a process of inner growth and awareness. Through quiet reflection, meditation, self- observation, and consulting and conversation with others, it is possible to become aware of key issues and challenges in one's life. These may related to one's work, relationships, or self-image. Using the list of positive qualities and patterns of imbalance in this brochure, and reviewing supplemental flower essence literature such as the Flower Essence Repertory, select the essences which most closely relate to your key issues. It is important to be aware of positive transformative goals as well as areas of pain and distress when making a selection. Generally it is best to work with no more than three to five essence at a time, or even just one or two essences, so that you can focus clearly on the main issues. Note: Individuals with profound therapeutic issues will benefit greatly by consulting a health professional who is an experienced flower essence practitioner.

What Can I Expect When Using the Flower Essences?

Occasionally people experience immediate or dramatic changes when taking flower essences. Others may have difficulty perceiving any changes. The most typical pattern is to discover the gradual effect of the essences over a period of time. These changes can include shifts in relationships, life- style, self-image, stress level, attitude toward work, and state of well-being. Flower essences are not panaceas, but rather inner catalysts that stimulate our ability to respond, or take responsibility for our growth. They do not substitute for our daily practices of meditation and prayer, self-observation, moral development, social responsibility, physical exercise, or good diet and hygiene; nor do they replace any therapies which may be medically indicated. The flower essences are most effective when used as part of a wholistic program of health enhancement. They support other therapies and health practices by stimulating greater awareness of our inner life, and building a vital bridge between the realms of body, soul, and spirit.  

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