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The first time you visit an aromatherapist, he or she will want to find out about your diet, lifestyle, and present symptoms, as well as taking notes of your past illnesses and treatments, in order to establish a basis for diagnosis.

Some therapists use a pendulum to find the right oil.  Once your particular remedy is chosen, a few drops of the oil are either massaged into the skin, inhaled, or added to a hot bath. Generally, a local application of oil in massages or baths is given for skin problems, muscular pain, urinogenital and nervous disorders, while inhalation is preferred for respiratory disorders and some nervous problems.  A course of weekly treatments may be indicated, and oils prescribed for home use.

In our modern times with the hussle and bussle of life, we find very little time to make use of aroma oils in our relaxation. Yet our thoughts and actions play a key role in contributing to the shape of our world. We must probe ourselves every now and than to look at our direction in life and assess our future. Steering a course towards our desired destination.

This is done through REFLECTION

Many of us are so caught up in our work and affairs that we seldom take the time to evaluate our thoughts, feelings and so on, to the extent that we honour our promises, value commitments and responsibilities to the world around us.

This is done through INTROSPECTION

MOTIVES play an active role in the importance of why we do things the way we do them. Examining our motives of why we do things and what we expect in return.

Thus follows IMPROVEMENT

Every day we have the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge, think of new ideas, improve ourselves, and make life more meaningful.  Everyone seems to like being complimented, but hardly anyone is receptive to criticism. Even if you feel the the criticism is not wholy true at least reflect on that part that is, don't ignore it.

This course of contemplation can prove to be an invaluable tool as you progress up the path of life.


Many people are self-destructive in behaviour, over eating, smoking or excessive alcohol intake. This may be a result of negative childhood conditioning or could have been acquired over the years to deal with a lifestyle that is overly stressful and frustrating. Free yourself by relinquishing habits that are harmful, replacing them with activities and behaviour that give you great joy, satisfaction and help you feel good about yourself.

APPRECIATE the things you have outwardly as well as inwardly. Be thankful for them, take time to feel appreciative of all you have.  Give thanks for having food, shelter, clothing, friends and family, and even a pet. One cannot experience the joy of pure happiness while taking the necessities of life for granted.

Do practice MEDITATION

Meditation relaxes the metabolism to a lower point than sleep, as the body gains a deep, concentrated level of rest. The rate of breathing and the amount of oxygen intake is decreased and so are the blood pressure and heartbeat rate.

In the ensuing pages I will give some formulas that can be safely used for various situations.

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