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It is important to appreciate everything we have in life. Unfortunately too many people wait for their deathbeds or for a tragedy to occur before experiencing feelings of contrition and regret at not having enjoyed the closeness of a loved one.

Choose one of these methods: application, diffuser, mist spray; select and use a formula.

Do the relaxation exercise and allow yourself to reach a peaceful and  quiet state. Think of the special people you know  Each session should be 20- 30 minutes.

Relaxation Exercise:

Take a deep breath. As you exhale close your eyes. Continue breathing slowly and full. Scan you body and pinpoint tense areas. Focus on sending deep relaxation to each individual area.  With each inhalation, you relax further. As you exhale, the tension releases and exits your body, enabling you to feel peaceful and serene. Let go of any extraneous thoughts and give yourself permission to experience inner peace and stillness.  Focus on your breathing. Begin to count down slowly from 20-1, taking a full breath with each number. Allow yourself to enter a deeper level of tranquility: detach yourself from the outside world until you cease to be aware of it.

Ylang-Ylang4 dropsSandalwood4 drops
Allspice3 drops Bergamot3 drops
Vanilla3 dropsGeranium3 drops
Carrier oil2 teaspoonsCarrier oil 2 teaspoons
Litse Cubeba3 dropsBois de Rose3 drops
Palmarosa3 dropsAnise3 drops
Neroli2 dropsYlang-Ylang3 drops
Labdanum2 dropsCedarwood1 drop
Carrier oil2 teaspoonsCarrier oil2 teaspoons
Frankincense3 dropsPatchouli3 drops
Vanilla3 dropsBois de Rose3 drops
Orange3 drops Lime2 drops
Sandalwood1 dropClove2 drops
Carrier oil2 teaspoonsCarrier oil2 teaspoons

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