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Dark Robes

The Background

The purpose is to show the nature and the purpose of what has been called the Dark Brotherhood, and explaining some of the techniques which they are permitted to utilize in order to draw human souls away from their purpose.  The dark ones do not seek to cast any soul "into hell", as the popular religious notions have it.  Rather, they act as testing agents for the race of man, as forces whose task it is to weed out from among the human flock the souls whose dedication, wisdom and insight are not developed enough to allow them to move forward into the higher ground of spiritual achievement.

They know that many human souls would not be taken in by their seductions, that many individuals can perceive clearly whenever attempts are made to draw them away from the light. But they know too that multitudes of incarnated individuals on the earth have allowed the attractions of pleasure and materialism to sway them, have permitted the negative emotions of hatred, resentment, grief, worry and self-pity to cloud their days.  And it is against these stragglers that most of the Dark Brotherhood's efforts are directed.  They can only influence those who allow them the necessary access, and they would not waste their energy on souls who remain firm in truth.


Let's first speak about the origin of the entities which we call the Dark Brothers. The early phase of the human race is far different from that which is believed by scientists.  Man thinks that he evolved upwardly from unicellular creatures which appeared in the primeval swamps of the slowly cooling earth many hundreds of millions of years ago.  It is true that a number of the simpler animal life forms were allowed to develop through natural selection from such primitive beginnings, but we stress that the evolutionary process as outlined by Darwin and others is an extremely limited technique for the development of life forms. Almost all of the forms that evolved through natural selection from unicellular creatures are now extinct, and those that have continued to the present are mainly of the lizard variety -- all being cold-blooded creatures of relatively simple metabolism and with no prospect of ever evolving into forms capable of the emotional or mental experiences of man.

It is important to realize that man has been the recipient of many additions and imputes from other levels and other parts of this galaxy.  One of the most significant additions to humanity occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago, when entities from a higher plane and astral one -- came to the earth, took on certain physical forms, and interbred with man as he then was.  As a result of this miscegenation between the groups, a number of mutations occurred in the offspring, sometimes giving rise to creatures which would be looked upon now as quite fantastical.  Among the mutations was one change which had extremely profound consequences for the human race; this was referred to by Edgar Cayce as the acquisition of the soul.  To explain that concept, we must point out that, until this time of cross-breeding, the human group did not know death.  This may help to understand that mankind then did not have the same dense corporeality as the animals did and still do.  It was not necessary to go through an aging process similar to that which man now knows, because the bodies were capable of deriving from the ambiance itself all the necessary energies to sustain life indefinitely. This was aided to some extent by the presence, in the atmosphere of the earth at the time, of a large quantity of the inert gas Xenon.  The rejuvenation of all bodies was also made possible by the fact that the human race was not then subject to the many negative emotional states which are now common. Greed, self pity hatred, anger and remorse -- all of these were unknown.  The damage which these negative emotions do to present physical bodies is incalculable.  If man only understood that the aging and premature death now so prevalent is largely due to his negative emotions, he would surely make some attempt to stop them. Most individuals think it is right to bear resentment against someone they believe has harmed them, that they ought to hate someone who hates them, and that they have every justification to feel sorry for themselves, or to worry excessively, or to grieve when parted from a loved one never realizing that not a single positive effect can ever flow from such negative emotional states. For example, not only does hatred not harm or debilitate one's "enemy", it actually causes damage to the one doing the hating, while feeding strength to the opponent.  The only way to disarm one's so-called enemy is to love him, for only this way can the feud be sapped of the emotion that was feeding it. Without the negative feed-back, the enmity disappears for want of sustenance. So it is too with the other dark emotions; all of these harm the person harboring them; none of them produces any positive results whatever.

On the next page I have written five tests for seekers

Five Tests for Seekers


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