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As we are tested we find the power to avert blockages and defeat.  At the same time, we develop in ourselves an aversion to the conduct that creates stress in our lives. If there appears to be an obstacle in your path, remember that even a delay may prove beneficial.  Do not be overly eager to press forward, for this is not a situation in which you can make your influence felt.


  Patience is the counsel EIHWAZ offers:  nothing hectic, no acting needy, or lusting after a desired outcome. This Rune speaks to the difficulties that arise at  the beginning of new life. Often it announces a time of waiting -- for a spring to fill up with water, for fruit to ripen on the bough.

Perseverance and foresight are called for here.  The ability to foresee consequences before you act is a mark of the profound person.  Avert anticipated difficulties through right action. this Rune is saying. For even more than we are doers, we are deciders. And once the decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless.

Receiving the Rune EIHWAZ, you are put on notice that, through inconvenience and discomfort, growth is promoted. This may well be a trying time; certainly it is a meaningful one.  As the wood of the yew tree becomes the bow of the Spiritual Warrior, so the obstacles on your path can become the gateway to a new life unfolding. Set your house in order, tend to business, be clear, and wait on the Will of Heaven.

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