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To begin you domino reading, place all the tiles face down and then shuffle them.  Three tiles will be used for the reading, and they may be selected in either of two ways.  You may pick all three at once, or you may choose them one at a time, reading the chosen domino and divining its message and then returning it to the pile to be shuffled again.

The second method offers the possibility that the same tile could be drawn twice. If this happens, an immediate fullfillment of the message is indicated.

However the tiles are drawn, only three may be used at a sitting.  Moreover, it is said that you should not divine with dominoes more than once a week, lest the results lose all meaning.

Here are the traditional meaning of the various number combinations to be found on a single tile:

SIX/SIX  The luckiest domino of them all, forecasting happiness, success and prosperity in all aspects of life.

SIX/FIVE  Enhanced status, the presence of a close friend or patron, a sign that any kindness will bring you esteem, a caution toward patience and tenacity.

SIX/FOUR A quarrel, perhaps even an unsuccessful lawsuit.

SIX/THREE Travel, enjoyment, a happy holiday, a gift.

SIX/TWO Good luck and improved circumstances but only for those who are honest.

SIX/ONE A wedding; an end to problems, possibly as a result of the intervention of a good friend.

SIX/BLANK Beware of false friends, for their malicious gossip could cause suffering for you.

FIVE/FIVE Change bringing success, a beneficial move, money that results from a new idea.

FIVE/FOUR Financial luck, possibly unexpected, but avoid making investments at this time.

FIVE/THREE Calm, serenity; a guest; good news or helpful advice given to you by your boss or a visitor.

FIVE/TWO Birth, influence from a true and patient friend, sociability and enjoyment.

FIVE/ONE A love affair or new friend, possible unhappy endings for those who are in love.

FIVE/BLANK Sadness, the necessity of comforting a friend in trouble but with tact and caution.

FOUR/FOUR Happiness , celebration, relaxation, fun.

FOUR/THREE Happiness and success instead of expected disappointments but possible domestic problems.

FOUR/TWO An unhappy change, setbacks, loss, possibly a theft. Beware of a deceitful acquaintance.

FOUR/ONE Financial problems ahead, pay outstanding debts.

FOUR/BLANK Bad news; disappointment in love, temporarily thwarted goals. Reconcile disagreements.

THREE/THREE Emotional obstacles, jealousy, but beneficial financial indications, a wedding.

THREE/TWO Pleasant changes, but be cautious -- particularly where monetary matters are concerned.

THREE/ONE The answer to your question is no, unexpected useful news, outsiders could cause problems.

THREE/BLANK Unexpected problems at home and work.

TWO/TWO  Success and happiness, in spite of the efforts your enemies may be making against you.

TWO/ONE Loss of money or property, but old friends and a happy social life.

TWO/BLANK Travel and new friends, but also anxiety. Someone could cause serious difficulties.

ONE/ONE Pleasure, harmony and affection; a stranger; avoid delaying an important decision.

ONE/BLANK Be careful; do not let yourself be overly trusting, even though a stranger could bring you news that seems to promise financial gain.

BLANK/BLANK  Direst omens, negative indications in all areas of life.

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