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Unseen powers are active here, powers that nourish, shape and  connect.  The attributes of this Rune are water, fluidity, the ebb and flow of emotions, of vocations and relationships. LAGUZ fulfills your desire to immerse yourself in the experience of living without having to evaluate or understand.  It speaks to the satisfaction of emotional needs, to the awakening of the intuitive or lunar side of  your nature.  For while the sun strives for differentiation, the moon draws us toward union and merging.


This rune often signals a time for cleansing: for revaluing, reorganizing, realigning.  A Rune of deep knowing, LAGUZ may call you to study spiritual matters in readiness for self transformation. Success now lies in contacting your intuitive knowing, in attuning to your own rhythms. A Rune of the self relating rightly to the Self, LAGUZ signifies what alchemists called the CONJUNCTION, or sacred marriage. In fairy tales, it is the end where the hero and heroine live happily ever after.


REVERSED: A warning against overreach, excessive striving; a counsel against trying to exceed your own strength or operate beyond the power you have funded to date in your life. LAGUZ REVERSED often indicates a failure to draw upon the wisdom of instinct. As a result, the intuitive side of your nature may be languishing, leaving you out of balance. What is called for now is to go within to honour the receptive side of your Warrior Nature.  

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