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Position 1:
Place one hand across body at base of the neck and the other on the chest making a "T" see diagram.  Leave hands on until knowingness tells you to remove them.  When removing hands pull out in a slow, counter-clockwise spiral and shake off hands at completion.

Hand 1 Hand 2 Hand 3 Hand 4 Hand 5






Position 2:
Place both hands next to each other between the breast and pelvis on the far side of the body.  Leave hands on until knowingness tells you to remove them. When removing hands pull out in a slow, counter-clockwise spiral and shake off hands at completion.

All methods are the same but the hand positions are different. Please refer to the above pictures for the proper hand positions for each section of the body.

Hand 6 Hand 7 Major Chakras Sealing the Aura



Major Chakras

Sealing the Aura 

Sealing the Aura and Stroking the Feathers.

The following are the final steps in healing with tuning forks.

Enclose the space around the person for the new energy flows to remain moving.

A. Strike the G# fork and go counterclockwise around the whole body twice.

B. Pull the fork away and shake off.

C. Repeat steps A and B

D. With the hands, gather energy from above and, staying close to the body, starting from the head and moving towards the feet, gently feather the body without touching (about two inches).

E. When removing hands pull out in a slow, counter-clockwise spiral and shake off hands at completion.

F. After completion, offer your subject a cool drink to help them become regrounded into the physical. Then help them into a sitting position when they are ready.

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