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A Rune of beneficial outcomes, JERA applies to any activity or endeavour to which you are committed. Be aware, however, that no quick results can be expected. A span of time is always involved; hence the key words "one year" symbolizing a full cycle before the reaping the harvest  or deliverance.


You have prepared the ground and planted the seed. Now you must cultivate with care. To those whose labour has a long season, a long coming to term, JERA offers encouragement of success.  Know that the outcome is in the keeping of providence and continue to persevere.


Remember the old story about the farmer who was so eager to assist his crops that he went out at night and tugged on the new shoots.  There is no way to push the river; equally you cannot hasten the harvest. Be mindful that patience is essential for the recognition of your own progress which, in its season, leads to the harvest of the self.

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