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This Rune is concerned with communication, with the attunement of something that has two sides, two elements, and with the ultimate reunion that comes at the end of the journey, when what is above and what is below are united and of one mind.


Inner worth mount here, and at such a time you must remember that you are not intended to rely entirely upon your own power, but rather to ask what constitutes right action. Ask through prayer, through addressing your own knowing, the Witness Self, the Teacher Within. Not intent on movement, be content to wait; while you wait, keep on removing resistances.  As the obstructions give way, all remorse arising from "trying to make it happen" disappears. The Journey is toward self healing, self change and union. You are concerned here with nothing less than unobstructed, perfect union.  But the Union of Heaven and Earth cannot be forced. 

Regulate any expresses in your life. Material advantage must not weigh heavily on this Journey of the self toward the Self. Stand apart even from like-minded others; The notion of strength in numbers does not apply at this time, for this part of the journey cannot be shared. Another of the Cycle Runes, RAIDO represents the soul's journey and has within it the element of Joy, for the end is in sight.  No longer burdened by what you've left behind, Heaven above you and the Earth below you unite within you and support you on your way. A simple prayer for the souls' journey is: I will to will Thy Will.


REVERSED: Receiving this Rune REVERSED puts you on notice to be particularly attentive to personal relationships. At this time ruptures are more likely than reconciliation's. Effort will be required to keep your good humor. Whatever happens, how you respond is up to you. The requirements of your process may totally disrupt what you had intended.  Hoped for outcomes may elude you.  And yet what you regard as detours, inconveniences, disruptions, obstacles and even failures and deaths will actually be rerouting opportunities, with union and reunion as the only abiding destinations.

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