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Number 3



The marriage of Two results in growth and unfoldment in Three.  The most imaginative and creative of the numbers.  Three is the mother - father - child.  This family unit is symbolized by the triangle, known as the first perfect shape in mathematics .. that is, the first closed plane that can be constructed with straight lines.  The triangle represents the three-fold nature of divinity in most cultures.


You are an extremely expressive individual who can influence others with your ability to communicate in a flamboyant style.  Somewhere there is a stranger waiting for you.  Whether you are speaking, warning or acting, your bright warm nature draws others who bask in your enthusiasm and energy.  You are aware of your appearance because performing depends upon the impression you make on others.  You dream big and your faith is often rewarded because positive thinking produces positive results.  Because of your expansive nature, you meet people from different cultures and social strata increasing your already broad and all-encompassing thinking.  Do not scatter your energies and avoid exaggeration, self indulgence, and foolish optimism.


This is your year of activity, expansion, travel, and luck.  You need room to move and express yourself to experience life, freedom, and the joy of living.  You may travel to another part of this land or to another country and meet people who enlarge your idea of the world.  Some of the individuals you meet now can be important business contacts in the future.  You are aware of your appearance and may indulge in a new wardrobe, hairstyle, or other beauty improvements.  Since this is often called a lucky cycle, your one ticket may win the prize.  But do not overindulge.  Over expansion leads to bankruptcy.  If you use good judgment however, this is a fertile cycle that could include the birth of a child, a creation of the mind or an expansion of your bank account. In the midst of this social cycle, you will be invited to parties and functions where you suddenly become the center of attention.  People respond to you positively, which feeds a growing feeling of well-being within you.  You have more faith in yourself and your abilities.

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