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Number 5



Four firmly entrenched in its home, now begins to explore the environment. The five needs freedom and independence so that it can indulge its senses in the experiences of life. It has an insatiable curiosity through which it filters its encounters and ultimately makes choices that will influence its future.


You are a communicator. Impulsive and restless, you need the freedom to move freely through your life so that you can gather experience and information to feed your curiosity.  You promote ideas and like change for the learning opportunity it provides.  Mental stimulation is essential for your well-being.   You mind moves quickly, imitating and adapting to immediate influences so that you are able to blend in with any group.  You can talk on most subjects with ease because of your vast experience and you are a natural mimic, delighting others with you impish actions. Versatile and adaptable, you are the super salesperson and life of the party.  You are efficient but dislike monotony and routine jobs.  Because you have the power to communicate effectively, you should remain sincere and truthful.


You are restless and ready for change.  Life suddenly becomes so busy that you feel as if you are on a merry-go-round, attending meetings and parties, running errands, answering mail and the telephone, and generally being available for others who suddenly need you.  Communication is a key word this year. Get involved and meet people, because from these experiences you will gather the information you need to make important decisions that can affect your life for the next four years.  If you are dissatisfied with your life, you can make changes more easily now.  This is a turning point.  Opportunities will arise in which you can find solutions to any current impasses.  Because your mind is so active, this is a good time to take courses to satisfy your need for more experience.  Your romantic desires increase, sending out magnetic waves that attract the opposite sex. Various love interests become possible.  Your nervous system is in high gear, so avoid alcohol and drugs, and be careful of accidents.  This is your year for fun, excitement, romantic encounters, decisions and change.

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