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Chakra #1 (Root)

Use Tuning Fork A

A. Strike the tuning fork and pass two times over the Chakra from one side of the body to the other.

B. Take it away and shake it off.

C. Repeat steps A and B.

D. Strike fork and move it in a counterclock-wise motion around the chakra spiraling slowly up while the diameter of the circle decreases (one foot height at the top of the motion)

E. Take the fork away and shake off.

  A Fork

Chakra Number #2 ( Sacral)

Use Tuning Fork B

A. Strike the tuning fork and pass two times over the Chakra from one side of the body to the other.

B. Take it away and shake it off.

C. Repat steps A and B.

D. Strike fork and move in a counterclockwise motion around the chakra spiralling slowly up while the diameter of the circle decreases (one foot height at the top of the motion)

E. Take the fork away and shake off.

B Fork

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