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Christ Figure
Christ Figure, Jaellnge, Denmark ca. A.D. 980  

The Rune of Hospitality

I saw a stranger yestereen;
I put food in the eating place,
Drink in the drinking place,

Music in the listening place;

And in the sacred name of the Triune

He blessed me and my house,
My cattle and my dear ones.

And the lark said in her song;

Often, often, often,
Goes the Christ in the stranger's guise;

Often, often, often,

Goes the Christ in the stranger's guise.

From the Gaelic

Wood Rune Stick

A dear friend of mine for my birthday bought me a set of the runes.  At first I did not know what to do with them!

A few years later while rummaging through some of my mother's stuff I came upon an old and very delapidated scribbler, it even had wormholes in it indicating it had travelled far and wide for a very long time. The scribbler contained hand drawn pictures of the runes and many many notes.

In these pages I will attempt to recreate the knowledge that was contained in that scribbler. Much must come from memory as she is no longer alive on this plane.

Wood Stick Rune

With all the efforts of scholars to understand the Runes, it has still eluded most people how and what to use them for. Odin is the principal divinity in the pantheon of Norse gods. His name derives from the Old Norse for "wind" and "spirits" and it was through his passion, his transforming sacrifice of the self, that Odin brought us the RUNES. According to legend, he hung for nine nights on the Tree of the World, wounded by his own blade, tormented by hunger, thirst and pain, unaided and alone until, before he fell, he spied the Runes and with a last tremendous effort, seized them. Next to the gift of fire, that of the alphabet is the light in which we see our nature revealed. In the Poetic Edda, Odin, the great Rune Master, speaks across the centuries.

Hear Odin now: Do you know how to cut them, know how to stain them, Know how to read them, how to understand? Do you know how to evoke them, know how to send them, Know how to offer, know how to ask? It is better not to offer than to offer too much for a gift demands a gift, Better not to slay than to slay too many. Thus did Odin speak before the earth began when he rose up in after time. These runes I know, unknown to kings' wives or any earthly man. "Help" one is called, For help is its figth, and helped you will be In sickness and care and sorrow. Another I know, which all will need Why would study leechcraft. On the bark scratch them, on the bole of trees Whose boughs bend to the east. I know a third--- If my need be be great in battle It dulls the swords of deadly foes, Neither wiles nor weapons wound me And I go al unscathed......


The Runes are a teacher, a tool for divination much the same way as the Tarot cards are used today. Yet each of us has the capacity to be oracles in our own right. Oracles are sacred games, so let us play in the following pages. Where each stone with its markings shall be explained. Consulting the runes will enable you to bypass the stricures of reason, the fetter of conditioning and the momentum of habit.

You are you own cartograhper now! Enjoy exploring your future on the next page and have fun! 

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