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The Runes and Layout
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3 Rune Spread

3 Rune Spread

The number "3" figures prominently in the divinatory practices of the ancients. The Three Rune spread which, according to Tacitus, was already in use 2000 years ago, is satisfactory for all but the most extended and intricate readings. With an issue clearly in mind, select three Runes, one at a time and place them in order of selection from RIGHT to LEFT. To avoid consciously changing the direction of the stones, especially as you become familiar with their symbols, you may want to place them blank side up and then turn them over. Once you have selected the Runes, they will lie before you in this fashion:

Reading from the right, the first Rune speaks to the Situation, as It Is;

the second (center) suggests the Course of Action Called For;

and the third Rune (left) indicates the New Situation That Will Evolve, after you have successfully met you challenge.

How you happen to turn the stones may still alter the direction of the glyphs to either an Upright or Reversed postions, but this, too, is part of the process. Since only nine Runes read the same upright and reversed, the readings for the other sixteen will depend on how you turn the stones. 


Runic Cross

This spread is useful when you want a more complete picture of any situation. Inspired by the Tarot, the layout calls for selecting six Runes, which are set out in the form of a Runic or Celtic Cross. The pattern is above.

From top to bottom number

6 New Situation

5 Challanges

2 You know

4 Foundation to the left        3 Future to the right

1 Past

The first Rune represents the Past, that from which you are coming,, what lies directly behind you.
The second Rune represents YOU NOW.

The third, or Future Tune stands for what lies ahead of you, what
is coming into being.
The fourth Rune gives the foundation of
the matter under consideration, the unconscious elementss and archetypal forces involved.
The fifth, or CHALLENGE
Rune indicates the NEW SITUATION, that will evolve as you successfully meet your challenge.

Since a considerable amount of information is contained in the Runic Cross this spread often provides the incentive for deep thought and reflection. If, after laying out and considering these 6 Runes, you still lack clarity, replace all the runes in their bag and draw a single Rune.  This seventh rune, The Rune of Resolution will help you to recognize the essence of the situation. 

3 Lifetime Spread

This spread is for those who wish to experiment with the idea of reincarnation. It furnishes a three-level prespective on your passage, and is laid out in the form of the Rune of Fertility. 

The Runes represent:

(1) Birth and Childhood conditions
(2) Your Present
(3) Your Future

(4) Past Incarnations

(5) Future Incarnation 


Thirteen of the twenty-five Runes focus directly on the mechanism of self-change. You may find it useful to watch for the Thirteen as you undergo your passage since, taken together, they comprise of Cycle of Initiation.

These Runes make up an energy framework within the body of the runic alphabet; an armature, so to speak, facilitating and sustaining the process of selfchange.

Those Runes are:
(3)Ansuz, signals the messenger Rune
(4) Othila, separation, retreat inheritance

(5) Uruz, strenght, manhood/womanhood

(6) Perth, Initiation, something hidden

(7) Nauthiz, constraint, necessity, pain
(8) Inguz, fertility, new beginnings

(14) Kano, opening, fire

(16) Berkana, growth, rebirth
(17) Ehwaz, movements, progress
(19) Hahalaz, disruptive natural forces, elemental power

(20) Raido, communication, union, reunion.

(21) Thurisaz. gateway, place of non-action.
(22) Dagz, breakthrough, transformation.

Whenever two or more of the Thirteen cycle runes are conjoined in a spread, the potential for growth and integration is greatly enhanced.

Technique: Isolate the thirteen Runes in their bag. Settle yourself quietly, aware that, rather than posing an issue for the Runes to comment upon, you are asking your unconscious for direction, petitioning the Higher Self  to advise you: What requires special attention? What aspect of your Nature, if cared for, modified, understood, nurtured, will carry you forward in the journey of the self toward the Self? Now draw a Rune to learn where you are in the Cycle of Initiation. See if the Runes "sense" of your position accords with your own.

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