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Five Tests for Seekers

There are certain symbols in the human hand, and particularly the five fingers. For seekers, the five fingers have a particular important meaning in terms of the tests which they must undergo, and it is our purpose here to elaborate on these tests. While the Dark Brotherhood does not play a direct part in bringing these tests to bear upon those who have tackled the Path, they do try to drag the seeker away from his resolve, and to lead his steps into error as he undergoes these particular trials.  For this reason we presented this material.

The Main Meaning of the Fingers

Thumb Energy, will, the self, with the basic lesson being the ability to "turn the other cheek" when presented with aggravating circumstances or provocation.
Forefinger The are of faith, not only in a God, but in the whole concept of realities higher than the material plane.
Middle finger The self image or self picture, this being normally tested by throwing the individual "on his own" in terms of his personal relationships.
Ring finger The area of money.
Little Finger The area of sex.

Now, the tests for seekers are in several cases directly derivable from the foregoing list. For example, the tests of sexual indulgence and of money are almost always presented to the seeker at some point on his Path. Let us be more specific.  When one embarks on the Path, there is a phenomenon which tends to lend to him a greater "allure" or attractiveness than he might have had previously.  In most cases the attractiveness is not directly from any increase in personal magnetism of a sexual nature, but rather because the fact of having taken up the Path, automatically calls into the person's aura an additional power and knowledge.  It is this additional power which others sense, but because people today are so accustomed to interpreting this kind of impact in sexual terms, they mistakenly see the seeker as desirable for this reason.  Indeed, there is an enhanced attractiveness, but it is by no means at the sexual level.

This problem arises most often with men who are not on the Path, and who become hopelessly enamored of women who are. In most cases the woman will sense that the suitor has somehow misjudged some quality of hers, but few women will fully understand the dimensions of the situation, and just why they appear so attractive. We hope that what we have now explained will allow greater insight into this kind of problem.

Naturally, the test is for the seeker -- the one who has acquired the enhanced magnetism.  For with this greater attractiveness to others, and the propensity of others to read their own reactions in sexual terms, there is often an abundant opportunity for the seeker to indulge himself sexually if he wishes to. Of course any exaggerated indulgence of this kind would pull the seeker off the Path, because it would side-track his energies into exhausting pursuits and drag his attention down to the purely physical level of indulgence.  Many, many potential seekers have succumbed to this elementary trap and have been lost to the hierarchy as really useful instruments for the salvation of the human race of man.

The test of Money, as represented by the ring finger, is again a straight forward one. As the seeker acquires more and more ability in terms of helping his brothers, the opportunity invariably presents itself to make money from his spiritual endeavors. The main point here is not how much money should be charged for spiritual help, but what are the true desires in the heart of the seeker.  For some seekers, because their services require them to assume certain expenses, a relatively large levy is justified, and does not represent a failure in this test. For others, even a small charge would represent taking personal advantage of a gift from God which was meant to be shared freely with all, just as God gave the gift freely, and therefore this levy represents failure.  Each seeker must look into his own heart on this matter, for it is his own judgment which is written down in the scrolls of heaven. Each seeker knows full well the motives in his own heart, and whether he has failed the test of money.

The true passing of these tests, of course, result when one meets the temptations squarely and does not allow his experience in either area to draw him off the path of service.  The solution to the sexual temptation is to see sexual reality in its true light, and to allow it to be part of the life pattern if such appears called for.  To deny the physical expression of affection between two souls when such is a natural outlet for love energies is, in many ways, just as much of a contortion as the over indulgences in sex for its own sake purely for pleasure motives.  The trick is to find BALANCE and to experience all facets of life with an UNDERSTANDING of their essence.  Remember that God did not make pleasure with the intention that man should turn his back on it.  This is like refusing to gaze upon a beautiful sunlit scene because the joy of beholding it is somehow wrong.  No.... joy, laughter and physical pleasure all have their place.  The important thing is not to deny or avoid them, but to participate in the right circumstances and for the right reasons. God does not make anything that is inherently evil or inherently good. It is MAN that determines the way in which the gifts of God shall be treated.  He can use a hammer to build or destroy.  The determining factor is the motive in man's heart, and thus it is MAN that determines the good and the evil in the world.

Turning now to the middle finger, we have explained previously that this digit represents the area of the self image. Many souls do not have a strong or positive self picture. They are unhappy with their own essence, and this reflects in the personality, which tends to develop feelings of inferiority or worthlessness.  Now, it is unsuitable in the extreme for any seeker to lack a positive self image. He must be happy with himself, for the simple reason that the Path which he is electing to tread is often a lonely one.  He will be called upon to walk it alone for certain periods and if he cannot find contentment merely by being with himself with no other company, then he will in all likelihood break down in his resolve to serve the race, and his dependability will be in doubt.  When the guides of the human race decide to entrust an important task to a soul in incarnation they must first be satisfied that the vagaries of earth life will not throw him off the Path, that the loss of friends or a separation from a loved one will not break down his determination to continue on the high road. So the guides test the soul severely in this area.

The most common testing procedure is one which arises almost naturally very soon after any individual places himself on the Path: it is the breakdown or severe testing of whatever personal relationship[ the individual might have had at the time of the decision to serve.

Many seekers reading this will attest to the accuracy of the point just made, for many of them will have seen their personal relationship... whether a marriage or some other close inter connection... flounder or nearly flounder on the rocks of disagreement as to the importance of spiritual advancement.  Typically the other partner will sense that the seeker has somehow place spiritual matters above the relationship, and usually this is so.  If that other partner is unable to accept such a state of affairs, then he/she will often present the seeker with an ultimatum:"It's me or all this spiritual stuff", is a typical refrain... one which many  seekers will instantly recognize.

If the seeker gives in for the sake of preserving the relationship then his path will be different from what might have occurred if he had adhered to his resolve.  Neither choice is "better" than the other.  The karma that would come to the seeker if he chooses to abandon the partner would not be great enough to deter the seeker.  Indeed, it usually happens that, even though the karma must quickly descend and be met, the rewards of having chosen the spiritual path would more than make up for the hardship of meeting that particular karma.  We cannot be more specific here, since the "extras" which are given to seekers are highly individual and are exactly tailored to the preferences of the individual.

The next finger is the Forefinger, which refers generally to faith.  However for the seeker, who presumably already has an abundance of faith, the forefinger designates a different kind of test; it is the test of GLAMOUR. this particular test is extremely important, because  many unwary seekers are drawn off the Path by it.  Let us try to characterize the attitude of mind that represents having failed the test.  There are those who, upon fitst discovering a channel to one of the higher planes, or upon first developing their own "source" of information, become overly fascinated with the information for its own sake.  They become EXCITED to too great a degree. They think:"Isn't this wonderful!" Or they might find themselves drawn into the circle of influence of a teacher or psychic on the earth plane whom they consider to be very special.  The person of that leader may take on a heightened importance for these seekers. and they might  "glamorize" him out of any proportion to what he is really trying to do.  Of course some leaders do allow their students or followers to glamorize them, and this is a serious failing on the part of the leader.

But the truly discerning seeker will be able to see through such silliness, and realize that what is important is the service he can render to others, and the understanding he can attain in terms of the great spiritual and cosmic laws.  The pursuit of the spiritual Path has no other legitimate justification.

Finally, the test represented by the thumb will be quite clear to all seekers, for it is the test of EGO. Many souls, upon first becoming part of a group following spiritual goals, will be tempted to think of themselves as special, as somehow being better or more spiritual than their brothers who are still living normal lives. No thought could have a more insidious result, because the very fact of putting oneself ahead of others has the precise reverse effect; the guides who watch the progress of seekers with special care will immediately relegate to the bottom of the list any individual who presumes to think of himself as holier or more spiritual or more worthy than any of his brothers, no matter how low the vibrations of those brothers have descended.  The truth of the matter is simple: God loves All his children equally God has no favorites, for in a sense ALL ARE HIS FAVORITES.  And it is here that the admonitions of the Christ take on their true dimensions: He who would be first must be last; Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Any who meditate upon the real significance behind these apparent riddles will surely see that they express the greatest of all the truths in terms of seekers; namely that the purpose of the Path is to teach one to serve, not to lead; to give, not to take, to love not to despise.  Those who fail in this greatest of all the tests, must lose the right to be among those to whom is given the great privilege of serving the salvation of the race of man.

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