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This is the rune of the Spiritual Warrior. Always the battle of the Spiritual Warrior is with the self. Finding a will through action, yet unattached to outcomes, remaining mindful that all you can really do is stay out of your own way and let the Will of Heaven flow through you -- these are among the hallmarks of the Spiritual Warrior.


Embodied in this Rune is the sword of discrimination that enables you to cut away the old, the dead, the extraneous. And yet, with TEIWZ; comes a certain knowledge that the universe always has the first move.  Patience is the virtue of this Rune, and it recalls the words of St. Augustine that "The reward of patience is patience." Here, you are asked to look within, to delve down to the foundation of your life itself.  Only in so doing can you hope to deal with the deepest needs of your nature and to tap into your most profound resources.  The molding of character is at issue when TEIWZ appears in your spread.  

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