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I can get some of the UK import singles on CD, but it will be a little extra.

(NOTE: It says "CD" if it's the actual CD and "copy" if it's on cassette tape)

· Middle of Nowhere CD or copy

· Snowed In CD or copy

· 3 Car Garage CD or copy

· Live from Albertane CD or copy

· Weird Pt. 1 UK copy

· Weird Pt. 2 UK single copy

· Where's the Love Pt. 1 UK single copy

· I Will Come to you UK single copy

· I Will Come to You/Cried U.S. single copy

· I Will Come to you remixes U.S. single copy

· Boomerang and songs from MMMBop that aren't on 3 Car Garage copy

· The Beginnings RARE copy

· Daydreams In The Night RARE copy

· MM Talk Interview CD import CD or copy

· Popview Interview CD import CD or copy

· Hanson - Audio Documentary import CD or copy
