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Kevvy Kev Quotes

Here are some things Kevvy Kev said himself!
* Ofcourse they do! I use to work at Disney, I saw them all the time. (when asked whether mermaids exist)
* Say hello to my family. Yeah, yeah!
* Alright Baby!(British accent)
* I've got a question, is there a big towl in here? Cus I need to stick my head in the sink.
* Wazup, wazup? This is Kev.
* I alway loved to sing, it was just something that came easily.
* It's all in the wrist.
* When all else fails you've just gotta grab it with your fingers.
* We are on the set of Baywatch here on Miami beach.
* That's PHAT to death!
* Not me, I don't currently have a girlfriend so... ( And thank God for that)
* We don't consider ourselves as fashion gurus or anything.
* What's your wildest fantahsay?
* See the reactions of the fans, tha's probably the most rewarding. (how sweet)
* A little chilly for Miami Beach. A little cold.
* Rolling it off with cli-ches this morning.
* You come out, you want to come out with a bang.
* In 5 years we'd like to have maybe a nice big triple, quadruple platnum album, that'll be great.
* Yo, wazup!
* Ya ready? Alright.
* I'm not annoyed, I just don't feel good.
* We're here! We're here Dalin'.
* We snuck in town..... word travels fast!
* Alrighty then!
* I like a nice home-cooked meal at home. Some candles. Just chillin'(when asked his idea of a perfect date).
* I just don't like to get up! I inherited that from my mom. Mom if you're watching, I love you.
* C'mon y'all. Get jiggy with it!
* It's just a song about relationships. Quit Playing Games. Let me know what you want...up front.
* The truth is we all got together and decided this Trent guy's got to go!
* His dancing sucked! He completely threw everybody off!
* Ice cold treatment baby!
* When you get this and you see how wack it is, we're sorry.
* AJ's got lipstick!
* Mom never lets me have girls up in my room.
* Underware. [when asked by Jay Leno what gets thrown on stage]
* That's what I was looking for! Right there. [at a very bad attempt to play the guitar]
* Uh...when we first became popular overseas- umm...our music broke there, we'd come back here and there were actually tourist. There's someguy in Nick's neighborhood giving a tour and taking people to his house.
* And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and 8. And 1, 2, 3, 4 [laughes while saying 5] 6, 7...
* Well um...basically any public place we go AJ starts singing. [he laughes] Yeah he likes to use his gifts.
* Oh you guys look sloppy. We gotta get- we gotta clean up our coreography. Look at 'em. Look at Howie. I mean look at AJ. Watch. Oh wow.
* Doin' it and doin' it and doin' it well.
* And nananananana- whoa! Hey! I got some sugar on that one so see you guys later. Peace.
* Hey what's up? We're back!
Thanx Safiya for some of the quotes!
If you have any quotes of Kev please e-mail me.
