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Trivia Test Answers

26- letters in the alphabet

7- wonders of the world

1001-arabian nights

12-sings of the zodiac

54- cards in a deck(with jacks)

9- planets in the solar system

88- piano keys

13- stripes on the american flag

32- degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes

18- holes on a golf course

90- degrees in a right triangle

200- dollars for passing go in monopoly

8- sides on a stop sign

4- quarts in a gallon

24- hours in a day

1- wheel on a unicycle

5- digits in a zip code

57- hinds varieties

11- players on an american football team

1000- words that a picture is worth

29- days in february in a leap year

64- squares on a checkerboard

3- blind mice ( see how they run)

101- dalmations

9- innings in a ball game

66- books in the bible

40- noah sailed forty days and forty nights

360- degrees in a circle

50- states in the union

20,000- leagues under the sea

1760- yards in a mile

that was'nt hard was it?