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You get a shout out purely because you have the patience to put up with me on a regular basis. Oh, and I guess because we're married or something like that, who knows, the whole thing is still wrapped up in red tape.

Another person with the patience to listen to my miriad of ramblings and non descript sarcasm. You're awesome Trace!

*The Kids*
Monica, Rafael, Numenia, Megan, Mikey (or as Garth would say "L_Mike")... Okay, some of you aren't really kids anymore. And that just makes me feel very old. Shame on you for aging!

*My Friends*
You guys all know wo you are. And you guys also know you're awesome. Unless your Garth, in which case you suck because you're haven't talked to me in like 6 years. Boo on you, Garth!

*The Jorgenson Crew*
I can't say I ever thought I would love working somewhere so much. NO ONE else would ever be allowed to call me "lizard". Also, they make me pretty pictures... like Brandy's snowman.

*The HARVEY's Crew*
I may not work there anymore but that goddamn place was a part of my life for so friggin' LONG! So hey to all the ex-staff and teammates at Empress and Regent! A special mention to Mike for letting me steal all his lines, and for showing me why we SHOULDN'T date co-workers! Oh, this crew does not include Hussain - the crazy ass owner from hell that ended up stealing money and leaving town!

*Cheshire, KLS, and Chelsea*
These chicks got me so hooked on making sites and chatting! I saw more of the UofM's computer lab than any class!