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How to Deal with the Immigration Crisis Caused by the Migration to Europe from Africa and the Middle East (2016)

Dr M A Fazal

According to the recent press report (e.g., The Guardian of 14 March 2016 at p. 25), Russia and the US have decided to impose peace in Syria. This explains why Russia is withdrawing its forces from Syria. This may bring about an end to the political conflicts in the Middle East, including the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Once a political solutions arrives, that should be the time to start my proposal of rapid economic development as contained both in this article and my website article entitled “How to Deal with the Crisis in North Africa and the Middle East”. It would be appropriate to present my programme to the US Government, the European Union and Russia for their consideration.

The above website article seeks to articulate a programme of development of the countries of origin of immigration in such a way that they would attract immigrants from other parts of the world. Syria would be so attractive that people from all corners of the globe would seek to settle in Syria. The programme would require the greening of the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa by way of afforestation. Desalination plants established along the sea coasts would supply fresh water required for irrigation, afforestation and agricultural development. Appropriate technology will have to be used for the development of solar energy for the programme. Successful implementation of this programme will lay the foundation for a prosperous society that will take care of the challenges posed by poverty, unemployment and social deprivation of the population at large. Immigrants will therefore return from Europe and the United Kingdom to their country of origin.

This should relieve Western Europe, including Britain, of the stress caused by mass immigration. However, this solution presupposes a peaceful resolution of the conflicts currently affecting those regions by reconciliation and the abandonment of military conflicts both by the regional parties and outside powers.

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