See that Eddie The Eagle Edwards?
That's you, that is. That's your mum. See that Peter Beardsley?
I am aware of him
That's your girlfriend that is. Oh, a ha ha ha ha ha. You see that old lady over there?
You love her
I don't
Psst, oy scuse me. He fancies you - You see Thora Hird?
I am aware of her work
You fancy her - Oh. You are her
I'm not. I'm bloody not
Ah well
How could you say that?
You are her. Everyone thinks you are. She's like your best friend
Well thankyou Professor Lewis...
You're gay you are
Just as a postscript to what we've been saying, Professor Lewis, I'd like to say... I saw your mum, coming out of the VD clinic. I'd like to say that anyone with aids, that's you that is. That's your girlfriend, and your mum, and your dad. You know like a pair of pants with some cack in it. That's you that is
Well I haven't come on this programme to be insulted. Good night!