History Today part 3

Welcome once again to History Today. I'm afraid that tonight, the axe is hanging over our programme. We have been warned than unless we properly explore tonight's topic of discussion, the Industrial Revolution, my and Professor F J Lewis' tenure on the telivision will be terminated forthwith. So, Professor Lewis, what do you feel were the primary problems faced by urban society during the period 1702 - 56

Well, the industrial revolution caused a shift to urban conurbations by what had been largely aggrarien population and communities and so forth. This led to very poor living conditions, and it General Samuel Peeps who gives a particularly harrowing account of one man whom he describes thus: "He had scurvy and rickets and was covered from head to foot in festering sores. All in all he was quite the most ghastly apparition of a man I had ever seen."

I see. And who exactly was this poor unfortunate?

That's you that is. That's the nicest thing he could find to say

I see. See that M Khan?

I have certainly heard of the fellow?

He's your best mate. He's like your special friend. You are him. Professor F J M Khan - is bent

Oh. Ahahahaha

See a piece of old crust with like blue mould all over it

Oh, that's got a bit wet in the corner

Yes, yes, that's right, and very stale and hard

Has it been on the floor?

Yes, it has been on the floor, and it smells very bad because it's off


That's your dinner that is. That's what you have at Christmas. That's your special birthday meal

See this? That's you that is

Sorry I didn't see you do anything then. What you did was this. See this? That's you that is. Oh, are you pulling a funny face now? Oh that's horrible, uuuugh. Stop it now.

You know that song? mu mu mu - that's your favourite that is. That's your favourite number one song of all time.

Oh, you've had a haircut. Haircut! Haircut!

See that Theo Kojak? That's you that is...

(spits) See that bit of flob?


That's you that is

No, that's your swimming pool in your garden. Oh look, there's your mum (swims)

Well I think that no-one can be in any doubt that we have had tonight a most rich and enlightening debate. And professor Lewis, thankyou very much


Email: marywhitehouse@hotmail.com