Taylor breathed the last squeaky word of "Weird" , and stood back appreciatively as the crowd went wild. Look at them!! They all want me!! Taylor thought happily, They're going crazy for me! i think im gonna give a sexy little smile for that cute blonde in the front. Yup, just as I thought, she's hot for me. Yess, we know whos gettin lucky tonight!!
It wan't that Taylor was especially conceited or anything, but when thousands of fans tatoo your name on their arms, and profess their love to you on national television, he guessed its kinda hard not to be.
"Hey Marlaine, c'mere will ya?" Taylor yelled from his dressing room. It was after the show, and Taylor was freshening himself up. He tended to be on the sweaty side after a good show. After any show, for that matter. Marlaine walked into the brightly lit dressing room, and looked approvingly at all the clothes and boots strewn all over the place.
"I like how you keep this place. Ok, so what did u want me for?" Taylor shook himself for a second, he had been staring at Marlaines ever-so-voluptious "endowments" again. She sure was a hottie. Stop it!! he commanded himself, You know Ike would KILL you if he caught you staring at his girl! They've been together forever. Dude, those pants are tight--STOP!!
"Oh, well, um, I noticed this really cute blonde in the front row....." Marlaine shook her gorgeous head of shiny auburn hair and laughed. Taylor was pleased to see that something else shook along with her hair.
" Yeah yeah, i know the drill, hold on, I'll go get her." She turned to leave, still chuckling softly to herself.
Taylor quicky slapped on some cologne, and raked through his silky blonde tresses with a comb. Hmm, i better change my shirt too. He unbuttoned the longsleeved sparkly blue shirt he had on, and ran to the little bathroom for some deodorant. As he sprayed it on, he looked at himself admiringly in the mirror for a moment. He appreciated the way his tan, washboard stomach stood out without his even flexing. And he noticed how his pecs were totally pumped. Taylor wasn't one to slack on his push-ups. Alright, that' s enough of that! He dashed into the other room, and dug through his suitcase until he found what he was looking for, a skintight black tee. Just as he pulled it on, he heard the excite d voice of a teenage girl chattering a mile a minute, and Marlaine's strained responses. Taylor chuckled. he knew Marlaine couldn't stand most of his fans. He owed her one. Suddenly, the chatter stopped, and Taylor looked up. Marlaine had deposited the blonde at his doorway, and ran, probably for yet another makeout session with Issac. The girl stood with her mouth hanging open. Wow, I must look better than i thought!
"Hey, wha-" Taylor's greeting was cut off by an earsplitting scream. The girl was standing there, screaming her little head off! Taylor was used to this, he would wait till she stopped screaming before he would calm her down. Finally, the yell stopped, and Taylor decided it was time to proceed.
"Come on in!" The girl looked around, as if she couldn't beleive Taylor Hanson was talking to her, but when she saw no one else was there but her, she shakily stepped inside.
"Close the door please." The girl complied.
"What's your name?" Taylor inquired, patting the seat next to him on the squishy couch.
"Corky." The girl plopped down on to the couch, and Taylor noticed how her little white sundress lifted to show just a little more thigh.
"I'm Taylor"
"I know, nice to meet you," she timidly replied.
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