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Shattered Innocence

Shattered Innocence

It's buried there,
hidden deep in my scars.
The nightmare demons I would
just as soon forget.

Ammonia-vapor memories burn,
anitiseptic wash that
doesn't cleanse
the tortured, retreating souls.

I can still see vacant
haunted, pleading eyes.
Make me numb, so I can't hear
the voices that run and hide.
The angel of darkness, ahh, mercy;
walks flourescent bright corridors.
Darkness is another pain they can't endure.

I can still feel.
Boys they were.
Hometown news raved over Joe's
promising football career.
He could throw that football
like a bomb, 60 yards down the field.
He was severely wounded
by a grenade.
Home town news gave him
a couple of lines in the daily,
the day they brought Joe home
to bury.
Doug still carries a picture
of the senior prom.
When he and Suzie
danced the night away.
He no longer dances.
Charlie took his leg.

My heart breaks
with every rasping breath they take,
trying to hold in the screams.
Heal the body, make it pure.
Find the hidden spirit,
lost and failing in a nightmare whorl.
Put them back together, I plea.
Make whole body, mind and soul.
as innocence shatters.

dedicated to all those touched by VietNam

İMikki P March, 1998

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