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All About My Kids

This page is here to tell you all about my kids. Lets start with my oldest.. Ryan, He turned 7 on Nov.1st '99. Ryan graduated from Pre-K at John Adams Elem. School Here in Lawton, Oklahoma. He played for the schools T-Ball Team. Which he was the Pitcher for the team. Ryan was given the Game ball on June 16th '98 for his hard work and efforts..And for his Home run he hit to win the game for his team. Ryan has ADHD and is Biploar and is well mantained on Medication.So these accomplishments are even greater for him. I am very proud of my little sluger and pitcher.It is good thing that his name sake is the Nolan Ryan, And it looks as though he is well on his way in following in his foot steps. Ryan lost his first tooth on July 21st "98 and we are very proud especiallly me it was also the first tooth that came in when he was a baby. He lost this tooth just in time , he started K on August 21st '98. His teacher's name is Mrs.Martin. He loves going to school. It is even hard to get him to stay home when he is sick. He has only missed two days so far this year. I am very proud of my little man! He is working very hard in class. Well now it is the middle of April and Kidergartin is almost over. His Teacher has told me he has been doing very well threw out the year. He Speach Teacher has also told me that Ryan has been working hard in his speach sesions.

Well Itis almost time for T-Ball time again and this year I signed up as a coach for his team so I can spend more time with him. Ryan is now in the First Grade at Eisenhower Elementry School. His Teacher's Name is Miss. Applby. SHe has been working really hard with Ryan this year this is the second school he has been in this year. Ryan is having a really hard time in school and in class. It is almost impossible for him to adjust to the class. We are try(me and his Pshychiatrist)are tring to get him homebound here at home. That is where the school has to send a tutor /teacher to our home and sit down with him on a one on one basis. So that he can get the attetion in being taught that he needs to sucseed.BD and I feel that he will do alot better here at home with a tutor/teacher then in the school. we feel that he will be able to learn much better and will be able to pass his grade, with us doin' that. He does really well here in the evenings when we sit down with him and work with him on his homework. As of a couple of weeks agop Ryan got so bad in class we had to change school again. He is Now in Hoover which is the school here , that has the ED classes , which stands for Emtionaly disturbed childern. His new Teacher's Name Is Mrs. Young. Ryan Loves Mrs. Young to death and loves his new class room and is doing' alot better where he is at now then what he was. He gets counsling at school and gets PT and OT and speach everything he needs to help him I am very gladd with the discission I made to move hem there .It was a very difficult dision for me to do. But it hasd been the best thing for him. He jsut got stundent of the week and has only been there for three weeks now. I am very proud of my little tropper. As of the 13th of August Ryan will be in the 2nd. Grade and will remain in Mrs. Young's class.Being away from her this summer has made him miss her very much and is looking forward to seeing her when school starts up again. August 8th,2002, Well Ryan is about to start the 4th grade and is still in the ED program threw the public schools. HE has beed Dxed with a few new things on top of his old and still standing Dx's. They are as follows .... ADHD, Bipolar, Internal Brain Seizures, MR , Aspergers(mild form of Autism), Cebral Palsy . HE will be having the same teach he has had since the second grade which is Mrs . T.... and is doing remarkable considering all of his disabilities. Well, I will keep you all informed on his progress.

Now for my littlest one, Brittney She is also very special to me. She turned 5 on Dec. 21st '99. She is currently attending pre-school at Kinder Castle. Where she is a great student and Loves her teacher Ms.Beth very much. She has a wonderful teacher. Britt got to watch Her older brother practice and play T-ball this season and I have promised her that she to can play when or after she turns five. Brittney also has ADHD but luckly since she has a different father then her brother. Although we have just found out that she too is BP although she is only Borderline BP. She too is regulated and maintained on medication. Between the two of them I am one busy mom.. I am very proud of both of my children and will keep you up on their growth and experiences. Well my little girl is growing so fast, and getting more prissy every day. She is also doing very well in her class.. they are learning how to write her name.She will be starting Pre-K this coming fall. She Started Going to Garfield Elem. for Pre-K. Her teachers name is Mrs. Corral, Britt loves her teacher and beggs to go to school everyday weither she feels good or not. As of the 13th of August Britt will be in Kindergarten, at Eisenhower Elementry..... She is looking forward to being in that class.. August 8, 2002... Brittney is Home schooled and Her home school records and grades are being kept by a local private christian school

Ryan and Brittney's Page...
